PTR being loaded? ~2GB Update just started?

curioussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss very curious

No it’s a bug patch. PTR is probably a different client completely. Which is why it’s not available on console. Update is 4.95gb on my Xbox.

This is 1.3.4 - You can find the patch notes on the patch notes page.

PTR will be in the coming weeks and we will have a stream next week to talk more about it. Details on that soon.


Gotta buy the battle pass and finish off your renown before they will tell you.

Does these include the much needed nerfs to your beloved barbarian or is this some bs patch notes?

In what way does Barb being strong negatively impact you in any way whatsoever in the game?


I can answer this one. When you play in a group of friends and one is a barb, that has worse gear than everyone else, and all you do is pick up items since they kill everything faster while pushing all the mobs forward. This is supposed to be a game where we kill mobs and get cool loot. Not follow a barb around and collect items.

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Just some bug fixes. Balance patch comes with next season.

still trying to find the barb nerfs for season 3 in any of the patch notes.

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Best thread of the day, such nice helpful folks. No sarcasm.

Looking forward to the next Campfire chat!

The clearest and simple solution is to stop picking classes on seasons that they’re not the dominant build. Get on the hamster wheel or suffer. Those are the options as presented by the devs and their ever engaging content! /s They don’t do that thing called balance here. I’m pretty sure they said was impossible during a campfire. LMAO

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Thanks, I know you’re super busy, but would it be possible to ask to use this forum as source of all info, vs having to look at twitter (multiple accounts), reddit, etc…

Like today’s patch, I found out cause my game disconnected and it started auto update, not ahead of time (Yes, it was mostly bug fixes, bit just wondering)

Thanks for the heads up on that.

Nice to see devs actually posting on here for a change. I get that you guys are busy and can’t respond to every little thing (and don’t want to set a precedent for grabbing attention) but still, nice to hear from you guys on here all the same.

I can’t speak for others but at least to me, it sometimes feel like we’ve genuinely been forgotten about.

It’s a numbers thing, not many players use the forums vs Twitter and other social media.

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yes, of course, but a sticky here is seen by us, vs replies from 3-4 twitter accounts, for example

Coming weeks… You know we are 5 weeks from end of season 3. So why is this PTR not even out yet?

That’s cutting it really close, you know…

Aw…poor Stevie. Still hurts your rear end that barb is strongest this season. That’s cute…tell me more! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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