Pretty sad at frozen orb. Looks like it’s blizzard again

yeah, and those builds are also useless for Helltides and game modes outside the Pit. And we STILL don’t have an armory, so respec’ing your character for different purposes is a half-day endeavor.

I watched the guy who clears 100s with Frozen Orb and he looks like he hasn’t slept in a week, and he’s optimized the build for Pit way beyond the level of the standard necro builds that take zero effort and are a walk in the park.


Exactly! No average gamer will be able to optimize their sorc to even get close to 100 pit level. It’s sad that Blizzard just ignores it


I feel the same, four seasons in and every time i quickly get disheartened with the class.

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Sorc is pretty awesome until you want to start killing endgame bosses, and this season, dive deeper into the pit.

Last season I thought I was kicking butt until I got to Lilith. No, I wasn’t playing the “optimal” build for bosses, but I was playing a chain lit build I was having a lot of fun with and was fantastic at quickly clearing all the content up to that point.

For me, if I’m playing a viable and fun build at a decent skill level and then hit a wall in the content because I’m not playing the “right build”, AND there’s no armory to quickly and cheaply respec, I’m quitting the season. Certainly not switching specs to something boring and min-maxing until there’s bags under my eyes.


Pretty much just heartseeker now that rapid fire got bricked.

Hopefully it gets hotfixed soon.

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I know the feeling. I remember back in the betas I had a ton of fun with chain lightning sorc and minion necro. Content creators made sure these got nerfed based on lvl 25 in top end gear feedback.

I had fun playing other builds/classes but it wasnt until now that minions felt good again. They still havent touched chain lightning sorc since they made it garbage before launch. For what? There are always busted builds. Just make them all busted or at least equal.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This post is nothing but one lame excuse after another. Apparently you think everyone should just be able to throw anything on their character and clear pit 100 without any skill. Sorry kid, but that isn’t how ARPGs are suppose to work. The further you push at endgame, gear, stats and skill starts mattering more. Learn how to play the game. There are plenty of guides out there to help you. Stop making excuses and stop asking for the game to be dumbed down even more than it already is.

Agreed , is a shame fo is actually nerfed to the ground, with the shattered winterglass is such a cool build.
I already played minon necro and bash barb this season, doing 85-90 pits like is nothing, now with the fo sorc I am struggling to clear pit 52, a shame.
With shako, rasha , starless skies, everything, and still, fo is not worth it.
Why would they design such a cool build to just nerf it? It’s a problem when people are having fun playing their game?
The same thing applies to double swing dust devil barb, why design something fun just to nerf it inmediately afterwards? why is Blizzard so Blizzard?

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That’s a you problem, people have already cleared pit level 110 with frozen orb. I pushed my FO sorc to 75 without a problem, which is as far as I got on my minion necro, though obviously it took more investment on FO. Not every build is going to be the same power level without investment.

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Had the same experience. For my barb I’m doing some weird bash/thorns hybrid I just cooked up (cause I got a razorplate to drop and i wanted to use it). This build can do about pit 65 and it’s literally just some unplanned clown build I made. I just did whatever made bash and thorns better and made up some random paragon board. It required very little thinking - that said this wasn’t my first barb so I did at least have a good sense of what the boards and glyphs did and how they work.

It’s a bug about “Vulnerable multiplier” but devs seem to unsee this problem and many ones protect BZ as “You know it’s a bug. Just play anything else that is not bugged”.

SS3 my sorc crit 1.7m but this season is just 500k but everyone said it’s fine.

Tell use Tryden, what else did you cook up brah??, daaan it’s craaaazzzyyy

Looks like they recognize it, it might even be fixed today? That’s pretty great news if true.

So, should I equip storm swell aspect again?
I was running with ancient flame with esu’s ferocity, I’ve read somewhere that esu’s ferocity works with frozen orb, don’t know why though.

I meant to respond to you ages ago. Sorry.

Yea I’ve checked for leaks.

All I see are anecdotal things and he-said-she-said stuff.

To my understanding, that entire thing with the Spiritborn was a hoax or AI generated and passed off as a leak.

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I am not talking about that, mechanics such as runewords have been leaked multiple times now even from before launch. They are just saving some “content” (systems) for the expansion and seasons. Which makes sense considering they had trouble even with the base game.

well on the plus side, they finally fixed some sorc bugs today that had been reported since beta.

better late than never i guess.

you need perfect 12/12 gear + 2x uber uniques for it to work.

no casual or heck even some sweaties will be able to get the base requirements for it.

mean while other classes don’t need this level of equipment for the same effort.

w/e. it’s a pit only meme build, out side of pit it’s b tier at best compared to other sorc builds which is terrible.

The least they can do is to revert the PTR Winterglass nerf. That was shortsighted. Why double whammy nerf FO while fixing the bug alone would’ve been enough?

Blizzard has this weird philosophy of sledgehammering when it comes to nerfs and being so slow and incremental when it comes to buffs.


the -30% nerf on Winterglass triggering effect has somehow drastically halves the damage output, but The Pit has been ramp up, that’s why so strenuous using Frozen Orb for The Pit.