Post Patch - Sorc Combustion Key Passive

I did some further investigating.

  • Endless Pyre is not only not contributing to Combustion, it’s not reflected in the “Damage with Burning” bonus on the stat sheet at all.
  • Burning Instinct is incorrectly calculating in the “Damage with Burning” bonus on the stat sheet.
  • The way it is incorrectly calculating explains why Combustion is pulling it as 90% additive “Damage with Burning.”
  • Specifically, the “Damage with Burning” on the stat sheet is calculating as:

[ Additives x (100% + Burning Instinct Multiplier) ] + Burning Instinct Multiplier

As an example, with 270% Damage Over Time from affixes and 90% Burning Instinct multiplier, it is calculating (270% x 190%) + 90% = 603%. I checked and confirmed this with four different gear setups to make sure it wasn’t a coincidence that the numbers lined up in one case.

It’s also easy to verify because with no gear equipped, the sheet still shows the 90% additive that Burning Instinct is erroneously contributing after the multiplier (since the multiplier is multiplying 90% x 0% = 0% with no gear equipped).

So Burning Instinct is sort of double-dipping, except the second dip is additive instead of multiplicative, so it contributes very little once you have a lot of other sources of Damage Over Time (affixes, gems) or Burning Damage (Torch glyph).

That second additive 90% is what is erroneously getting pulled into Combustion (where it becomes 22.5% because 90% x 25% = 22.5%).

The fix, for everything to work as stated, should be:

  • Combustion = 60% + (25% x DamageWithBurning)
  • DamageWithBurning = (AdditiveDamageOverTime + AdditiveBurningDamage) × (100% + BurningInstinctMultiplier) x (100% + EndlessPyreMultiplier) x (100% + AspectofConflagrationMultiplier if Condition is Met)

Or if Combustion is meant to take into account Burning damage multipliers local to the enemy/target, then it should use this modified version of DamageWithBurning:

  • DamageWithBurningLocalToEnemy = (AdditiveDamageOverTime + TorchGlyphAdditiveBurningDamage) × (100% + BurningInstinctMultiplier) x (100% + EndlessPyreMultiplier1 if Condition is Not Met or EndlessPyreMultiplier2 if Condition is Met) x (100% + AspectofConflagrationMultiplier if Condition is Met) x (100% + AspectofCreepingDeathMultiplier) x (100% + AspectofEngulfingFlamesMultiplier1 if Condition is Met) x (100% + AspectofEngulfingFlamesMultiplier2 if Condition is Met)