Please fix the BLOAT of affixes

Remove all specific elemental resistance. No one will care about them, even when fixed, as your stuff “have” to focus on being able to tackle a lot more than “one specific boss”.

I’ll certainly wait until I hear what the reviewers have to say about it. I feel so dirty for actually believing this was going to be good. The literal “fool me twice, shame on me” scenario.

The game can become instantly more fun if they condense the existing pool of affixes to less than a third and get rid of some of the useless ones.

Also, the enchantment cost needs a serious reduction in the initial cost, and each reroll should be a slight flat increase, not a multiplicative increase.

Add to these two a general considerable buff to experience gains, and people will be interested in playing and realistically level multiple characters within a season (I’m talking about regular players, not the hardcore players who will always max out everything regardless of any system in place or balance changes in effect).

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I got a few hundred million you can have if you want on season realm, I’ve quit playing for now

Basically, the Enchant system should work similar to Lost Ark’s Honing system.

  • You spend materials to upgrade an item.
  • You can use different types of crafting materials to increase your success rate.
  • After a certain amount of attempts, the chance to Upgrade is 100%. If you get to that point, you will have spent weeks worth of materials more than likely.

Instead of it being tied to the Upgrade/Blacksmith, you are tying it to Enchanting. Having Gems guarantee certain affixes or make them more likely is a good idea and sink for gems.

My idea would be to add an option to the end of NMD’s that allows you to upgrade an item rather than a glyph. This would randomly increase a stat on the item. Heck, throw in a chance to reset the reroll status (item stays the same but now you can reroll any stat.). Who cares if people can get perfect BIS gear? They made the game all about seasons so in 3 months you are starting all over again any how.

I’d also like a way to reroll the value of an affix without changing it. Maybe use gems for that.

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And maybe the items to show the range the values can roll given yhe current ilvl?

That’s one of the “engagement” mechanics they put in so they didn’t have to try with itemization. The more affixes the more you have to play to get the combination that you need for your build. And since you can only re-roll 1 affix and it cost so much with each re-roll it drives you to keep playing more to earn gold and/or try to find yet another item to try and do the same thing to.

Or you do as I’ve done and quit, and wait for them to fix this broken mess. (and return to the forum occasionally to see what’s happening)

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