Player Feedback: Should The Butcher remain in Nightmare Dungeons, yes or no? And why?

Only in nightmare dungeon ? That might be too restrictive imo but keeping him from spawning before you’re something like lvl20-30 would be good. It’s nearly impossible to kill him before that.

I think the modifiers on the nightmare dungeons should have things like “all monsters replaced with butchers”.

it’s a tricky thing.

I feel like every time he’s popped up I’ve either been severely under geared (1-shot) or over-geared (not even a challenge).

Given the limited attempts at the nm dungeon, I think it is probably out of place to have a mob just scaled completely out of whack.

It is a bit of a toss up though. It is rare enough to not happen all the time, but at the same time, I don’t feel like his loot table is anything to write home about either. Feels like he pops up to be a mild nuisance.

Also also, can we have more than just 1 mob? Just the butcher? Can’t we pull from a pool of like 4 or 5 of them?

100% he should remain.

My personally view is for people to just get better and if you are playing hardcore be prepared to manage the situation.

Not interested in an argument just stating my view.

He should stay, but tbh he is spawning way too often. I’d rather see other interesting events happening.

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Just a friendly reminder


I’m not going to salvage all of those sigils…nope…I love da Butcher…promise…cough


Thanks. I’ve edited the title to “Player Feedback”. :+1: :slight_smile:

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Yes. I enjoy meeting him now that I’m decently well geared and can facetank him. The sense of progression getting to this point was wonderful and I will never tire of splattering him all over the floor of whichever NMD he makes the mistake of engaging with me.

WHERE IS HE? he hasn’t show up in ages for me!
Come out here you fat basterd !!!

I literally neve seen Butcher. Not on Beta, not now on Live.
I’ve run every dungeon by now on either normal or like Tier 6-15. Never seen Butcher.

Given the huge amount of difference in terms of power between The Butcher and any other mob of the same level, what I think is that, if you’re able to kill him, the other mobs are absolutely zero threat to you.

In other words: if you were actually pushing NM Dungeons, you’d be no match for him.


He becomes easier the more you min-max your build and gear. My Bone Spear Necro 3-4 shot him at 15 lvl difference (I was lvl 80 and he’s lvl 95 last time I met him).

They should remove it totally, it’s pawn 2 times today and i die each time, the other day 3 times in arrow it make no sense that’s he is more op then Litith…

He should be an affix, and provide a massive EXP bonus for doing so.

Ok testing my forums access, I seem to have it working now.

Alright, yes I think he should stay in dungeons. He keeps you on your toes, and I susp[ect the devs have the ability to stalk players with him. Maybe I’m wrong. But I did some trash talking in local about magic find. AND the very first dungeon I got him, and he insta gibbed me. Maybe Im just being paranoid now. But it’s fun to think that the devs have an interact button. Like the stalker in warframe.

His existence means I won’t play hardcore, so I’d like him removed from there. Otherwise, I like the tension I feel when I hear the rattling of his chain. Too bad five minutes running around terrain in a circle to kill him doesn’t yield any rewards beyoned a couple of rares. Ultimately, he’s just an Easter Egg, a lethal Easter Egg.

Doesn’t it take some time for the demons to… reformulate when they die in sanctuary? Butcher shouldn’t be back for a very very long time. I’d rather see him gone for good after the player kills him a few times

Yes, because it adds something new and random which comes with a good thrill.
They should however, liken his loot drop to that of a Treasure Goblin with a % increase in chance of getting a unique or something.

Me and a mate ran into the butcher. Was easily taking him down when he turned and ran away faster than Usain Bolt. We gave chase but even with my sorc teleporting we could not catch him. He literally ran away because we were beating his a$$. Fricking devs are absolute steaming turd piles getting paid by the fat cats at Activision for putting this in. Why would you have the Baddest of all mobs in a dungeon just fricking chicken out? BS.