Pit Group play need changes

The Pit was very fun to begning with. I loved the season me and all of my friends had a blast.

When we hit the endgame faming The Pit, we found quickly out that the part of the game you spend the most time, not only is it not better to be a group, but its not worth it at all.

So we did hang out on discord playing solo all of us for a week, then we realized that we will never be able to group play either way, so why they quit and im stuck alone again.

This was sad when every friend of mine finnely came back. I dont want there to be higher progesssion as a group. Just make it so all of us atleast get the same amount of mats.

necroing 5-6 different threads to say the same thing is just going to get you banned. anyway pretty sure they fielded a question about it during the campfire chat and mentioned changes would be coming in s5 regarding this

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In case you were wondering.

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