Penetration Shot shooting twice

Yep I’m having the same issue. Penetrating shot often fires twice and is actually ruining my fun… please fix this devs. Thanks.

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Bump, this is happening with other range abilities like rapid fire as well.

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I ended up switching from P. Shot to a Rapid Fire build because of this bug.

It doesn’t matter if Force Move or Left Click is used, it 50% of the time just shoots another shot for some reason.

What makes this even worse, is that unintended shot chews up an available imbuement.

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This definitely isn’t isolated to Penetrating Shot, I came here because it’s happening to me with Rapid Fire.

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Still happening toe almost aevery time, I’m playing on PC and whenever I right click, it shoots twice wasting my imbue. Blizzard seems to ignore the problem or they don’t know how to fix it.

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It’s terrible. I finally decided to roll a Rogue and it’s just unplayable, standing in place for a 2nd shot can easily result in death. Rebinding the key to something else doesn’t help either, the skill itself seems completely bugged.

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Like others have said it happens with other ranged abilities as well. I noticed it originally on Penn shot but it happens on barrage and rapid fire as well. Pretty much ruins the flow of combat and imbuements.

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Still happening. My rogue is constantly firing off a 2nd rapid shot for no reason. This happens with regular shots as well. you could be firing at something and then when you go to move / click to move, your character keeps firing for no reason as if you are hold the Hold Position / Shift button still.

Its some sort of RTT latency bug between players issuing commands and the server bouncing it back. Im pretty sure this is related in a way to many other bugs that are affected by the games multi-instance layers since this game is constantly in a dynamic state to “balance the game play” between different tiered level players. It works in Guild Wars 2 because the zones are locked to a specific level range so it scales the player to that range, this game does the opposite to keep the instances populated.

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This bug has been in the game since release! This is ridiculous.


It’s not just a Pen Shot issue, I’ve have had this happen with every core ability on every class with controllers. I’ve tried Xbox S, PS5, and a 3rd party Switch controller in every combination of wired, 2.4, and Bluetooth. It’s not my PC because the issue happens on my laptop as well, something is completely effed with this game.

Interesting, I can’t duplicate it on my Necro or either of my Barb builds, it’s happening exclusively on my Rogue.

I play on PC Mouse/Keyboard. Logitech G Pro X Superlight mouse. Can others list what mouse they’re using?

Still happening… blizzard can you ATLEAST KNOWLEDGE??

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They do not respond here. This is a one-way forum for reporting bugs.

Is this the same as my problem ?

A “Fix” has been found! (at least for PC). It appears changing the setting in Options > Gameplay > Skill Toggle Behavior > to “Toggle All” stops this from occurring. It does make movement a little weird, since that also becomes toggled. I recommend playing around with this setting, and hopefully Blizzard can fix this issue soon (unlikely).

this is happening to me with rapid fire

Still happens to both Penetrating Shot and Rapid Fire. Blizz quality as usual. What isnt bugged in this game? 70$ what a joke

I’ve tried this after having the bug start happening to me yesterday. It did not help at all, personally. It gimped my movement considerably (having to consistently input the command to do anything such as move) and I kept having Pen shout double shooting regardless. This is very infuriating, I hope they fix it soon. Previously played to 100 as Pen shot and didn’t have this happen at all.

This double penetrating shot bug is horrible. The toggled thing worked as mentioned above but I cannot stand the movement.

Is this even on the radar to fix? Also, would having a really short internal cool down like 0.25 sec help to not activate it immediately afterwards?

I switched rapid fire to my left mouse button and it seemed to fix it for the most part. happy hunting