catgirl looking for frends to party with for seasonal play to run endgame content. i like VC sometimes, and can chat otherwise. my chain lightning sorc build can do T8 hordes, tormented uber bosses, and ladder runs.
my clear speed on horde and bosses is not top tier, but i do not die. i def contribute to hordes in a substantial manner, and can withstand the hardest optimized options. still working on perfecting the build to increase clear speed, but its an rng slog, im sure you understand.
sadly, CL sorc is not strong for bossing. again, i dont die, but here i do not contribute substantially to clearance speed. i can def contribute mats, tho!
im working on building a speedrunning gearset for optimizing gauntlet. placed rank 127 in party of 2 ladder week 4 when running together with a rogue. currently rank ~1800 on solo sorc ladder, but have spent less time planning and optimizing route patterns for that.
ixion#1277 on bnet and tenaciouspattern on disc