Paragon Boards Attributes

Did they forget to do a pass on those after updating the affixes?

Cause items can no longer roll non-class attributes or All Attributes, but the boards are still running on them. I mean, I’ll obvisouly reach 250-270 by the time I put in two more boards, but considering the requirements increase in boards 3, 4 and so… Feels like I’m looking at unreachable levels.

Is this just an illusion I’m having or is it actually the case?

Edit: Nevermind, disregard the topic. Didn’t notice how much gems into armor were giving as attributes. That’s the path.

Personally I’m not a fan of the whole items only drop with primary attribute/+all attributes change.

I guess two ways around it are to trade with another class for an item that has the +non-primary attribute you care about or socket gems that add that attribute. Which I guess the former does promote some player interaction which is a plus in my book.

They didn’t adjust them. I think I was able to get the bonus on the 1st 4 boards during PTR.

Can’t you bypass this by using non primary stat glyphs on the first 2 boards and then switching to primary stat glyphs for the rest??? 2k int+ is possible on necro.

That’s what I would do at least.

The problem isn’t the glyphs, or the main stat. It’s the rare nodes on non-primary stats.

By the time you reach board 4, it’s asking you for upwards of 430 non-primary minimum. Maybe I need to check some of the no-lifers boards, but at least at a glance I don’t see anyone reaching that. Yeah, the rare nodes are still better than nothing, but having a potential buff completely unreachable sounds like a blunder in design to me.

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Have to agree here. This is an issue. I forgot about it and will add to my good bad bugly post.

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very possible they didnt even think about this at all.

it’s blizzard

but wasnt there a ptr? surely someone mentioned it at some point…

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The only answer we got in regards to the rare nodes. It was on Blizzards own list of concerns they knew about on the PTR, it’s still up on the sticky in the PTR forums too.

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