Okay, Let's Discuss Lag. Especially in Boss Fights and Cutscenes

Update: After some research I found a possible total fix. First, I am not a fan of disabling services running on your PC, the following is not advice just my experience. I read that disabling the SSDP service can resolve rubberbanding and other server-related issues as they may affect gameplay. I disabled said service on my machine and I am no longer rubberbanding and the game is no longer pausing randomly.

Okay, Blizz. I’m not gonna fight you on the “Always online” thing any more. It is what it is and has been.

Fine. Whatever.

I just finished the Lilith Fight. And OH MY GOD the lag.

I somehow defeated her. But at 2-4 frames per second, with almost constant stops and pauses and her just appearing on top of me beating me to a pulp.

Why are boss fights tied to “Always Online” tech? What is so important that can’t just be run locally?

Also, Cutscenes and Cinematics.

Why is my Cinematic or cutscene stalling, lagging, stuttering?

Look, it’s launch week. Sure.

But these issues seem dumb. If I’m in a cutscene turn the game off behind it, or something. I dunno. Who cares what’s happening around me if I’m watching a cutscene or Cinematic?

I don’t even know what happens after the Neyrette End Cutscene, game just got stuck. Saw my character just standing. Couldn’t move, couldn’t open a menu. Nothing. Had to force quit. Hope I didn’t miss anything important.

Anyway, if you’re gonna release an Always Online game, can we agree to make sure boss fights and cinematics of all things aren’t tied to having to talk to a server?

I have gig speed internet. Only one home using it at time of these latest issues. Full custom i9 rig with 3080 64gb ram, etc, etc, etc.

It’s not a local issue. Every other game I play runs flawlessly.

I’ll forgive towns lagging to all get out. But Boss Fights and Cinematic lag I can’t really forgive.


Numerous fixes discussed here for lag spike issues.

No one cares about lag when they are guting classes every chance the get because of some YouTubers 100% end game build kills monsters fast lol

I appreciate the reply.

But disabling pieces of my operating system isnt a valid fix in my opinion. Especially a component of my OS that I actually use (I have MIDI and other devices I use regularly).

This could also cause others to experience issues with their PC as that driver governs a lot of peripheral interfaces.

For others, I do not recommend disabling pieces of your OS to fix stuttering or performance issues with a video game.

Zero lag here. Zero rubberbanding. Four year old 16GB Windows 11 laptop with a 2070 driving an external 3440x1440 display, and pretty good Xfinity internet over WiFi.

Game has to run on literally millions of different computers. Some will have problems. Some of those problems will be common enough that they may be able to fix them. Probably thousands and thousands of machines will have problems that they won’t be able to do anything about, so those people will have to find their own solutions.

45mbps internet, not on Lilith yet but on act 3 haven’t had a spec of lag or framerate drops. Might be your rig.

Make a TL DR and use some type of formatting, there is no way any human will read that.
From your title I would say that you need to turn down your settings.

Disable cross-play and cross-comm, there was a known issue during beta that involved very similar experiences, and the easiest solution players could implement themselves was disabling cross-play/comm.


You could also run low LF mode, with high performance settings, and have your game lock its fps at 60, on minimal graphics settings, if you did all this and still had lag, you may have some hardware issue, or network, or network harware.

i hope this helps,
-Some guy


Disabling Cross play/comms may help, I’ll give that a try.

When in empty areas, or new dungeons The game runs smooth as butter.

But when I enter towns/or heavily populated areas the game craps out. Massive rubberbanding, etc.

And for some reason the final boss fight was - just a s**tshow along side the ending cutscenes / etc.

I’ll give it a go, thanks for the helpful reply.

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