Occult gems should stack

I don’t know what possible reason there could be for these not stacking. There’s no variability between different instances of the same gem, and socketable storage space was already a problem before new runes and the seasonal gems were added. These absolutely need to stack.

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We have been saying this since S1. Seasonal Items at the VERY least need their own tab. Compasses and Sigils should stack and be materials storage. Elixirs and Incense need their own tab

Nothing is gained from micromanaging your inventory.


Compasses at least are stacking now so there’s that, but I totally agree. As someone who likes to play multiple alts and would love to do that across more classes. the storage space is BAD and having so many non-stacking items only compounds this

Sigils having Affixes are le-dumb. They should stack also. Should be an NPC you interact with to select your NMD level and Affixes similar to The Pit but with flair!