Obducite in Helltide was a bug?

So not up to speed on these things… When I started getting Obducite in a hell tide I assumed it was a way of addressing the abysmal low drop rates compared to S5 lol. So sad to find out it was a bug and i will never have the mats needed to get the masterwork where i want it for all my chars this season :frowning:

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Anyone that encountered obducite outside of an NMD or hordes had to have known it was a bug since those were listed as the only two available sources for that material. They upped the number of things obducite could drop from inside NMDs, but it’s still absolutely nothing compared to what you get from hordes for the same time investment.

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Nope did not know it was a bug. I was so depressed about how painful MW is, that my foolish optimism led me to jump to the conclusion that they had done something to address it. It never occurred to me to go read the tooltip to see if they now said hell tide as a place they can drop.

Edit: Also… now that you mentioned it i just read it. There are three sources listed. you forgot undercity. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I do like farm the Obducite frome the undercity it gives like 10k in like 10-15 minutes is like 1.4k and it take arount a minutes per round with a good speed group.

It even made Hordes look bad.

I thought you had to do something weird to get the obducite to drop in a helltide, like start a NMD and then leave and do helltide or something weird like that. It wasn’t just dropping in regular game play. But you didn’t know that “Trick” was a bug? Really?

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i have no idea. about any “trick”. This fixed post was the first I heard that it was a bug at all. i guess it makes sense if it has something to do with NMD because when i noticed i was getting obducite in helltide, i was running NMD till i got XP fonts and then running helltide till the font ran out then doing nmd again till i found another xp font on repeat. pretty sure i didnt leave any NMD unfinished tho.

I remember having it happen once but I thought nothing of it.
I learned later on about it when it got patched.
I don’t watch streamers very often and certainly I am not interested in their “exploits”.
I just rather not even have the temptation presented to me.

I’m actually quit happy with the amount of obducite that drops now. If you’re running NMD be sure to kill everything, we’ve all gotten used to trying to get the NMD as fast as possible but you’re missing a bunch of you skip it all. The events can have as much as a third of the obducite the rest of the instance has so don’t skip those. A single NMD can easily get you 2k+ in T4.

Yeah I know, but I am comparing to S5… in S5 I quickly got to over 90K Neathiron from hordes, and doing 1-2 hordes per day was enough to keep me from ever having to worry about running out. in S6 I struggle to maintain any Obdducite in spite of having days where I literally just grind hordes/undercity/nmd for hours.

Now in fairness I have 6 characters 3 of which I want perfect masterwork for so I am sure I am far beyond the average consumption of MW materials.

Do u need opal for obducite to drop?

Ive always get it from hordes

not for undercity, you just need to use the Refinement Tribute

No, it will drop naturally from nightmare dungeons (NMDs), Infernal Hordes, and Undercity using specific tributes. It comes most readily through hordes since undercity requires a group to efficiently farm, so that rules it out for solo play as the main source of obducite.

server lag!!!11

I mean, you get like 4,000 of em per infernal horde run, so idk what you mean youll never get masterworks. Im slowly getting all of mine up to 12/12 with tons of resets cuz of bad crits. If i didnt reset a ton of times, i wouldve been done with it a while ago. I never knew about that bug.

(Oh i see now you are trying to get perfect masterworks on multiple characters lol)

Yeah, i like undercity, but i just cant get enough of those tributes to keep running it for obducite.