Not a fan of Codex format

i searched “fury” and a druid constable sent me to thorny jail, I might have mispoke


hahahaha, my bad! xD

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I added the favorite flag to the aspets I use. It moves those to the top of the list. Works great now.


We need some indication that given aspect is already inprinted on other piece we’re already wearing. So we can avoid duplicating aspects.


Hi guys , how to or on what NPC can i add aspects now ? Thank you .

You can also type what it affects and it’ll come up. For instance, if you wanna see an aspect that applies to twisting blades type it, or grenades, or really anything that has a specific name in it like uncontrollable or movement speed or attack speed ext

with the updated “Codex of Power” it should be share account wide, Eternal & Seasonal
for a better visual you may refer to
“Division 2 > Tinkering Station > Library”

I am siding with the OP here. First time I opened up this codex UI and immediately noticed that it was hard to see what you’d want to slap on your item.
Somebody suggested searching for what you wanted, but what if I don’t know what I want to put there, but rather browse and find something I’d like?

Perhaps a grid with smaller font?

What if you could choose between grid or list?

there are a few things on the ptr i didnt like at first, but its just new learning of the new systems, im starting to like them the more i understand how to use them… still dont understand the new helltide format though lol

A favorites option would be really nice here.

But overall the codex changes are great.

It is literally there. You can mark any aspect as favorite and it will show it at the top of the list. Furthermore, you can apply filter to show ONLY favorited aspects. And since we are talking about filters, you can apply filter to only show aspects for your class.

It’s all already there.

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Okay, I see you can set them as favorite in the codex of power but not at the occultist (I rarely if ever go into the codex of power so didn’t realize it was even there.).

Press Y to open collections, then select codex of power.

This will get the favorite at the top of the list at the occultist. Which helps, thanks.

The other filtering is not available at the occultist from what I can see.

I honestly love the new UI and the ability to search for whatever I’m looking for on the fly. Great changes so far.


Thanks for that suggestion, I didn’t see the favorite option, but I’ll definitely try this. Sounds like a good workaround for some of the user-unfriendliness of this version.

Excellent suggestion, I always have to check carefully to avoid wasting resources, it’d be nice if this was simplified.

This tripped me up at first too. The occultists are not in the old locations. They moved them on the PTR, look for the occultist symbol on the map. In Kyovashad, I think it’s where the healer used to be? On the corner outside the Blacksmith building.

What, you want us to actually fully explore the new feature before critiquing it? :joy:

Seriously though, first impressions are important, but I do appreciate these features, and I appreciate you posting it here. Thanks!

Search is cool and fun if you know what you want. On PC/keyboard. If you don’t know what you want though, or you have type it with the controller, RIP.

Seems pretty easy to me to find what you’re looking for. I haven’t even needed to use the text search. Simply pick your category(s) and the list is small enough to look through. The codex is one of the better changes IMO.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the way it is in PTR right now. That was just me trying to find a common-ground compromise in that thread.

Forum bugged out by the way and put my reply as part of an edit for an existing comment of mine in this thread, wild.

Weird, carry on then!

I’ve been making use of the Favourites marker once I know what I want for my build. Makes checking up on things much quicker

Toggle switch for list or icon, like every windows file…problem solved…next?

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