No PTR For Me i guess

It looks as if i will not be playing the PTR seeings as how 5-10 minutes after launch it crashes my entire system.
Before we get anyone in here saying check this, check that, it is not a client side issue.
It has something to do with things outside of my control.
Currently i am playing on the regular season servers and have been for the last couple of hours.
You can check my configuration i assume.
Maybe it has something to do with in game settings changing to default for PTR.
I would look at your crash reports if you have them.
I guess i could set up a log and do this all over again and upload in text.
But i already uninstalled it…
Maybe tonight.
Who knows.

But how can you know for sure? PTR is working fine here for me. Just tested it before I replied to your post.

Possibly. I know the first time I started it, I had to fix all the game settings as they were not the same as the settings on the live game.

Who? None of us can. And Blizzard isn’t going to do anything about your configuration on your machine.

I do know the game requires a newer version of the GPU driver than the live version of the game, and that has been causing some players issues, if they hadn’t updated to that version or newer. PTR requires (for nVidia) version 552.xx (I can’t recall the exact last two numbers). So if you are on a version older than that, it will prompt for an update. However it seems drivers much newer than that also are causing issues.

I have been suggesting that people can use the GPU driver check bypass command for the PTR version of the game. And/or rolling the driver back to a version that is more compatible with it.

I myself am running on a 551.31 version of the driver from the end of January. You can find details in this recent thread:

-Crashes after installing latest nvidia driver and PTR - #2 by DTMAce-1687

Driver check bypass command:

-Fired up the PTR tonight to see if I can get it to work for me, couple things right up front:

This may get you past login to the character select, but without a recent enough driver you’ll end up stuck on a black screen and the game client will cease to respond, requiring a force quit and a restart since when D4 is stuck like that it takes down part of the system as well, making everything run dog slow since Fenris doesn’t seem to want to let go of system resources.

I really wish the 55x drivers were stable. I think we’re up to 56x now for game ready drivers, but thus far anything past about 54x series is super unstable for a lot of games.

And nVidia screwed us massively. They removed the advanced driver search page and replaced it with a version that shows fewer drivers. It no longer shows all drivers for a GPU, only recent ones. That’s going to make seriously massive headaches for players trying to find a properly working driver going forward.

Edit: nVidia actually removed the older drivers from the beta/archive page. 4090 shows no drivers at all, so now we can’t even find legit (untouched by third party installers) nVidia drivers earlier than 551. Massive fail given their pathetic driver releases in the last year and a half.

Yeah it never prompts me either as i use a strip driver with no telemetry.
That said, i did end up updating to the newest driver 560.94 from the two prior.
I liked that previous driver because i purposely left out core zero when i spread the process across all cores.
Was running like a dream. So far i haven’t tested it long enough for it to crash. I restart my game every 20 minutes or so. PTR was crashing like 5-10 minutes in.
After i tested PTR i received a 174mb update. Probably just store update, but none the less, once that happened actual started crashing like every 40 minutes.
So new chipset drivers, gpu drivers, running same as usual, flawless but not staying in game long enough to test that theory. Also i noted i have a few fans that need cleaning.
That could very well have something to do with it, if to much of an rpm fluctuation causes voltage irregularities. That is my fault. Usually i keep it rather clean, but i dont have my air compressor. Will rule that out in the AM. I have read a number of people having crashing issues with PTR so far. Also blizzard should be able to see user configuration, whether they do anything about that, i do not know to what extent. Even without user telemetry active is my guess lol.

And some wonder why I stick with an older driver at times. But yeah.

I haven’t opened the search in awhile, if so, that massively sucks! I think they did that to eliminate those versions before the changes with the control panel? Didn’t they finally revamp that or something recently?

Even if they could see that info, I doubt they would do anything with the information to help anyone anyway.

Just to update, I tried several ways to find a larger list of drivers on the nVidia website. Nope, they totally busted getting older drivers. The only way to get an older driver is to look for an older model of card, and even that is limited to the OS choice.

For example, I looked up my 980 and Windows 7 64bit. Oldest driver available was from 2022… I mean yikes.

I was able to find two different places to search for a driver, but both yielded the same results. Ugh. Fortunately, I have many of the driver versions already downloaded, I usually keep them around.