No long updated?

Why is this page no longer updated??

I think they only post actual patches on there.

The last changes they have done have been “hotfixes”.
They are posted here.

They should just post everything in one place though. Less confusion that way.



Hotfixes are server side only and are usually documented in the hotfix notes you linked. Those can be done in real time without a download to our computer/console.

Patch notes are for changes to the actual game client on our computers/consoles and those go in the Patch notes. You have to update/grab a download for your game to pick up the Patch.

That is why they are separate. The patch notes will get updated again when a patch is pushed that actually patches the player game client.

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Why we are not informed about these changes in game? On game page? Or anywhere else, only in Blizzard US forum page?

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That is where Blizzard has decided to post the information. On the official Blizzard forums for Diablo 4. There is a link to the forums on your Bnet launcher above the Play button. It is in the list that has the D4 website and the patch notes. Right between the two actually.

Not sure which Region forums that link takes you to though. I am US so it takes me to the US forums where I can see the Hotfix pinned notes.

If you want a quick link to them maybe bookmark it in your browser?

Do they post the complete list of changes made anywhere? Since the recent hotfix, I’ve noticed there’s now a map marker for the glyph upgrade area at the end of NM dungeons. I’d like to know what other changes are being made.

The Hotfix notes and the Patch notes are the two locations they post updates.

That does not mean EVERY change makes it in there. Sometimes it is something tiny they fixed, or it may be something you just did not notice before.

I see. Doesn’t seem very nice to change their product without informing the consumers.

So there hasn’t been an actual “patch” in over 14 days on a game that’s less than a month old? Seems either neglectful or narcissistic.

There’s clearly issues that need to be resolved… why are they not being pushed out one by one, show the players you actually care instead a massive “3 page” patch and losing players do to the wait. It’s ridiculous.

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