No campaign skip option=no thanks

If you are actually looking for some PTR testing a skip campaign option needs to be present. It was bad enough the first time -_-

Campaign Skip in PTR - PTR Feedback - Diablo IV Forums (


Maybe read what they posted next time.


I am in town, Lorath left city on its horse.

Can you precise the location of the Boost NPC ?

Sounds more like the NPC needs a giant sign or title so people will notice.

He’s standing right by the waypoint. His name is NPC BOOST or somesuch. Pretty obvious…

The problem, at present, is there is no way to skip the campaign and not get boosted.

You have to boost at least 1 character to unlock the ability, then start another character if you wanted to play from level 1. It’s not a huge deal, but it is confusing as the PTR vendor just gives you the singular choice to boost, and you only find out from him that it also unlocks the skip campaign option after you’ve already boosted.

Right next to the Waypoint.

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Altars and other items end up just granting with the boost NPC.

We are modifying the blog to note this but it is still granting to players once they interact with the NPC and boost their characters.

Thanks for removing the prologue now….after…. nevermid…

So you have to boost to level 100 to skip and get the carry overs?

As in needs to be present from the start, without needing to complete anything. I’ll try and find some other ways to phrase it if that helps you.