NM Sigil Revision

i hate that people cant handle nightmare dungeons and affixes and always want to turn them in to happy meal dungeons and affixes. the game is already so easy and people keep asking for more and more things to be trivialized

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Pontypool. (No spoilers)

Some good ideas here for more diverse, player-directed gaming. I look around & I donā€™t see any hint that any of the devs think along these lines. They have more linear/cubby hole ideas for the game it seems. Even if some of them think like this I bet turnover on systems & gameplay concepts is all going into fixing core problems like ā€œskill balanceā€ and ā€œitem statsā€ā€¦ season 4 is reinventing items for example, bc 500 pointless affixes werenā€™t an obvious obstacle to fun before this was pointed out after release, and thatā€™s probably the lesson here.