NM Sigil Revision

They should expand the concept of NMDs into a “Secret encounter” (key or a portal drops as a loot piece) and have them be basically anything outside of the OW

  • Encounter against butcher
  • Encounter against a boss
  • A small “underground” Helltide event
  • A room with Vault traps
  • A room with Son of Malphas
  • A random NMD with randomized hazards (1 min one, 2 mins other, 1 min then something else, then 2 hazards for a while, e.t.c.)
  • A random Vault
  • A re-do of random Stronghold with modifications
  • An arena or 3x/4x/5x cursed event (be it fountains or chests)


And have these be non-craftable and be drop-only (from an Elite here and there)

In return give a small portion for Glyphs from any Event (or certain type of Events)

The whole concept of being able to salvage and craft NMDs (i.e. the “repeated chore labour”) I think is bad

IN FACT, I hope they consider doing exactly what I said (or something similar) for S5