Nightmare Dungeons - Buff Loot / Rewards

It’s safe to say that Nightmare Dungeons doesn’t reward the best loot over a certain amount of time. I think the devs should significantly increase the average item power of Nightmare Dungeon rewards and loot dropped from monsters.

Apart from that, the “end of dungeon” reward from Nightmare Dungeons isn’t rewarding at all because it seems to draw from the same general item power pool as normal monster loot drops.


That’s because they’re meant for farming masterworking materials, not loot.

And the monsters are normal monsters.

Also, this is not PTR feedback, it’s just a suggestion. This forum topic is for feedback about the PTR, not just random ideas you have.

I would prefer that they made all dungeons on torment 1-4 nightmare dungeons and got rid of the keys and the teleport function. Then we can pick what dungeons we want to run for grim favors and we have to travel to them again. I like how the dungeons have treasure rooms and we need more of that, optional things to do for bonus rewards.

I kind of like the idea of all Torment dungeons being nightmare dungeons, especially because having keys makes it hard to do the bounties as nightmare dungeons unless you want to lose even more storage space hanging onto a bunch of keys.

But if they got rid of keys how would you pick your bane and boon? I feel like this would just result in people having to reset dungeons to fish for them since some of them are pretty unplayable for some builds (like Suppressor), and fishing sucks.

Also, removing the teleport would be extremely unpopular. There’s a reason they added it in the first place. You can always run to the dungeon if you want to. I actually didn’t mind running, but it seems like most people did.

I also like the idea of all torment being nightmare! and I agree about not removing teleport entirely. Elimination of sigils from inventory would be downright dreamy …

Just ideas not saying they are good ones but…

Maybe bane and boon could be borrowed from the seasonal dungeon mechanic? you get 2/3 choices in an antechamber at the entrance?

Maybe you can’t teleport to a dungeon until you have done it once, then it gets unlocked to teleport to at will like a waypoint?

I do agree with OP that at least the end boss (where there is one) should have something better than a random mob, especially if you are no longer getting a sigil. Maybe a higher chance of a GA item or other rare drop (compass, temper scroll, tribute, cosmetic) or maybe just more obducite. but if there is a harder monster to beat like most (but not all) dungeons have then it seems fitting to have a slightly better reward.

I do also like the treasure rooms in Nahantu dungeons. I hope they do more with this sort of idea… Extra optional challenges along the way that can give better reward if you choose to do them.

That’s an interesting idea!

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