Nightmare Dungeon Affixes need to CHANGE the experience

The endgame leak about Nightmare Dungeon affixes made me EXTREMELY sad. The dungeons got boring over doing just a few of them with recycled maps, objectives and otherwise. I held on hope thinking the affixes would change something but after seeing that most of the affixes can be summarized as

Do % more/less damage
% resistances or damage boosts

I was dumbfounded. In 5 minutes anyone could come up with more interesting changes than that and it makes me skeptical about the endgame. Affixes should be more like skulls for Halo Campaign were by adding things that make you play or engage differently within the dungeon. One example given was some enemies dropping bombs on death which is interesting, albeit annoying for barbs, but at least it’s SOMETHING. Why not have a similar mechanic hitting ranged like a fog of war mechanic where only half of your screen range is visible for the dungeon forcing spellcasters to play differently or try new strategies.

tl:dr, we don’t want % changes and resistances for nightmare dungeons, we want affixes that actually change how we play the dungeon and add depth along with difficulty.

After reviewing the datamined info it looks like there’s a lot more potential for nightmare affixes to change the experience than I had thought. If a mod could please close this thread that’d be appreciated, but I think a community manager at blizzard needs to announce something on this since it took reading through datamine logs to have any sort of idea of what they mean by affixes changing the dungeons.


Can you link the leak, please?
I agree with the idea that affixed should lend to playstyle changes like enemies getting new abilities or new forms of group coordination. Simple number changes or resistances are not really interesting albeit they might be a neccessity for balancing.

Yeah like has at least 1 extra nightmare boss at random with modifiers at random

Spawns 3x Elites with an extra affix on each as well

The ground sometimes catches fire randomly in random spots

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Not sure if this is the same info those people are talking about but if you look at the datamined info in you see a list of 116 nightmare dungeon affixes. Some of them you can’t really tell what they do, but a lot of the names seem to give it away.

0: Major_Avenger
1: Major_Blood Blister
2: Major_DeathPulse
3: Major_Drifting Shade
4: Major_Empowered Elites (Electric Lance)
5: Major_Empowered Elites (Frost)
6: Major_Empowered Elites (Poison)
7: Major_Empowered Elites (Shadow)
8: Major_Empowered Elites (Suppressor)
9: Major_Empowered Elites (Teleporter)
10: Major_Lightning Storm
11: Major_Nightmare Portal
12: Major_StormbanesWrath
13: Major_Volcanic
14: Minor_Monster_AntiCC
15: Minor_Monster_AntiCrit
16: Minor_Monster_AntiOverpower
17: Minor_Monster_AntiVulnerable
18: Minor_Monster_AttackBehind
19: Minor_Monster_AttackFaster
20: Minor_Monster_Barrier
21: Minor_Monster_BarrierKiller
22: Minor_Monster_ChanceSlow
23: Minor_Monster_DrainResource
24: Minor_Monster_ExtraBleeding
25: Minor_Monster_ExtraBurning
26: Minor_Monster_ExtraCold
27: Minor_Monster_ExtraCorruption
28: Minor_Monster_ExtraFire
29: Minor_Monster_ExtraLightning
30: Minor_Monster_ExtraPoison
31: Minor_Monster_ExtraShadow
32: Minor_Monster_HPBonus
33: Minor_Monster_HPRegen
34: Minor_Monster_LessBleeding
35: Minor_Monster_LessBurning
36: Minor_Monster_LessCold
37: Minor_Monster_LessCorruption
38: Minor_Monster_LessFire
39: Minor_Monster_LessLightning
40: Minor_Monster_LessMelee
41: Minor_Monster_LessPhysical
42: Minor_Monster_LessPoison
43: Minor_Monster_LessRanged
44: Minor_Monster_LessShadow
45: Minor_Monster_LifeSteal
46: Minor_Monster_ReduceDodge
47: Minor_Monster_ReduceHealing
48: Minor_Monster_ReduceResistance
49: Minor_Monster_ReflectNonPhysical
50: Minor_Monster_SunderArmor
51: Minor_Monster_Unstoppable
52: Positive_AttackMoveSpeedOnKill
53: Positive_CooldownReductionOnKill
54: Positive_DamageReductionForMissingHealth
55: Positive_EvadeLeavesPoison
56: Positive_EvadePushesEnemies
57: Positive_FireDamage
58: Positive_FrostDamage
59: Positive_GoldFind
60: Positive_IncreasedCritChance
61: Positive_IncreasedHealing
62: Positive_LightningDamage
63: Positive_MagicFind
64: Positive_PeriodicLightning
65: Positive_PhysicalDamage
66: Positive_PoisonDamage
67: Positive_ShadowDamage
68: Positive_StunCausesBurning
69: Positive_Thorns
70: Power_CAP_Monster_Affix_BonusHealth_BonusDamage_WT2
71: Power_CAP_Monster_Affix_BonusHealth_BonusDamage_WT3
72: Power_CAP_Monster_Affix_BonusHealth_BonusDamage_WT4
73: Proximity Shield
74: Trial_AbyssalGrowths
75: Trial_DemonicIdol
76: Trial_EventMastery
77: Trial_NoWipe
78: Trial_ProtectNPC
79: Trial_TimedRun
80: Trial_UniqueSentries
81: zzzMinor_Monster_ImmuneCold
82: zzzMinor_Monster_ImmuneFire
83: zzzMinor_Monster_ImmuneLightning
84: zzzMinor_Monster_ImmunePoison
85: zzzMinor_Monster_ImmuneShadow
86: zzz_Berserking
87: zzz_Cold Enhanced
88: zzz_Destabilizing
89: zzz_Displacer
90: zzz_Empowered Elites (Mortar)
91: zzz_Empowered Elites (Multishot)
92: zzz_Empowered Elites (Summoner)
93: zzz_Enraging
94: zzz_Fire Enhanced
95: zzz_Frozen Pulse
96: zzz_Haste
97: zzz_Infested
98: zzz_Lightning Enhanced
99: zzz_Minor_Monster_LessAOE
100: zzz_Minor_Monster_ReflectPhysical
101: zzz_Physical Enhanced
102: zzz_Poison Enhanced
103: zzz_Poison Pool
104: zzz_Positive_BarrierWhenOutOfCombat
105: zzz_Positive_CCReduction
106: zzz_Positive_FireResistance
107: zzz_Positive_FrostResistance
108: zzz_Positive_LightningResistance
109: zzz_Positive_PhysicalResistance
110: zzz_Positive_PoisonResistance
111: zzz_Positive_ShadowResistance
112: zzz_Rampart
113: zzz_Resource Drain
114: zzz_Resurrect Limit
115: zzz_Wild Regeneration

I was referring to a write-up someone from the endgame beta did but essentially it summarized most things were just % changes or increased damage/resistances. However after looking at the list from your link it seems like there may be a decent amount of potentially gameplay effecting affixes by just going off the names. I’m hopeful but it’s also worrying that they haven’t given any real examples with so much dungeon criticism coming from the community to at least calm things down.

See this is why they need to open beta completely for everyone. It’s stupid they only let their trusted content buddies into it.

You have a full open beta prior to launch about a month out to get millions of hours tested prior to launch. With loads of feedback and that way you have at least a whole month to work on things. Devs seem to cause their own hellish weeks of fixes by not testing properly.

Yea, that’s part of why I think the 1-25 limited betas weren’t a great idea as they are leaving people with a limited perspective. People in the closed betas saw a lot more of how builds come together with unique items and drop-only legendary affixes and what not for example, while people who only play in these two betas will mostly only see codex legendary affixes. Even people in closed beta have no idea how much has changed though. Since I was in closed beta I noticed a number of skills/passive changes, sorc mastery changes and even some of the codex powers had changed (like the bubble defensive proc).

If people look at that datamined info they at least get a better idea of what’s coming with dungeons, uniques, other legendaries, paragon etc.

I’m also hoping they add more end-game content over time, which they’ve kind of hinted at that they’ll be adding more that we haven’t seen eventually, particularly with whatever their seasonal system ends up looking like.

Blizzard has a long history at this point of not communicating much even when there’s a lot of talk going on, so it doesn’t really mean much either way.

They did end game beta test to test this stuff.
They have feedback and will make changes.
People aren’t supposed to talk about that stuff.
It does not need to be tested in public beta where they’re testing the campaign quests, early levelling balance, server load and stability, and hardware/driver compatibility etc…

So their reports can look like these forums where 99% are wishes, not actual reports?

They did the closed beta, with lots of people, not just trusted buddies. I was one.

It would be more time consuming to unleash the masses and filter out the garbage, which the vast majority of reports would be, than to do it the way they did.

They are currently doing this beta MAINLY for server tests, and small bug fixes. Nothing more. Nothing major is going to change between now and release.

More people means more data, more feedback, and neither of those is bad.


Most of the data theyd get would be trash… again, like these forums.

More data can VERY much be bad.

These forums aren’t trash. These forums helped turn D3 from the dumpster fire it was into something much better via massive amounts of fan feedback.

Except when they don’t have the capacity to filter through trash.

You’ve seen the forums here now right? There’s so much nonsense and bad assumptions being made. Cries for the sake of crying. They wanted conctructive feedback from people that were actively engaging in endgame content among other things.

That’s what they got, and the changes that result from that will be just as good as if they had opened the flood gates to more people (if not better).

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Im not sure what threads you are reading, but the large majority of posts are not constructive, nor informed.

They are whines.

Now, think of manually sifting through 10s of thousands of single reports like that to try to make something productive of it while on a deadline.

You would have to be an idiot to put yourself into that position on a deadline.

Now, feedback is good, and this is the place for it, but most of the feedback here, again, is uninformed whining bs.

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I can see why they wouldn’t want end-game feedback from as large of a crowd. I submitted probably dozens of feedback and bug report things during closed beta. If you multiplied that by a million players it would be a pain to sort through manually.

In the future they’ll probably just have AIs help sort through and summarize feedback though and be able to handle larger amounts of feedback submissions. :man_shrugging:

I do think a more informed playerbase would be having more useful discussions in these forums currently, and they haven’t done a great job of informing players who weren’t in closed beta about a number of things. It’s not those players fault either, they just haven’t been exposed to the information.