New "Unintended Interaction", boost your HP x30

I’m almost tempted to log back in this season one last time to use this potion. Not quite, but almost.

Yeah, so if you fill you consumables tab with these elixirs because you accidentally pressed the buy button 10000 times, will you be banned?

Asking for a friend.

Let’s hope not. At least not until S7…

Hurry up, fun police are investigating :rofl:


Just a rando on the internet, but I can confirm it’s a thing.

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Its hilarious they wont patch an obviously busted class on day 1 but they will be sure to fix this before other classes can do pit 150. Its literally that same type of stuff that makes SB op.


99% of SB players, at least (I say this as an SB player who so far has just been running my own hybrid build)

you done let other classes get a taste of a fraction of bugged SB damage then take it away i promise seasons cooked everyone will be gone and you will have a few cats jumping around left in game

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I know right. The 30 seconds it took me to do that otherwise worthless quest is meaningful. I want my time respected.

As I said above, this is the same type of bug making SB OP. There is no reason they couldn’t have caught and fixed this stuff in the first 2 days. The masses wouldnt have any time investment in it. Instead they let it linger hoping people on the fence were watching and they got more sales from it. Potion only helps other classes really because SB could already do pit 150 it decent gear. Not in 2 mins like they can with the potion but they could still do it.


Why not? Its the same thing. Potion is infinitely scaling health at a stupid rate. SB legendary paragon infinitely scaling damage at a stupid rate. Same thing. Just requires a code fix. No reason they couldnt have also fixed some SB stuff day 1.


Look, we all know the reason why the potion is being fixed:

It doesn’t exclusively benefit the spiritborn, thus will impact VoH sales.

Masterworking a single item 30 times and resolve stacking, anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

How is the potion receiving immediate attention, but not the spiritborn masterworking abuse which has created an even larger game-wide problem??


I’m not going to partake in this potion bug thing for the same reason I won’t play a SB until fixed.
Why? because it will ruin the entire game for me. Once I am that powerful I’ll never want to NOT be that powerful…

I’m not the one that set that precedent. They did in S4 when they fixed Holy Bolts bugged interactions with minion scaling. (I was rolling a minion necro and enjoying it lol) It was the first season that Minion necro became viable and Holy Bolts was pretty leet for it. But people were complaining and since potions had nothing to do with a class or build… the devs decided it was ok to change. It is what it is.

everyone complains about how they wait to fix bugs. they wait because people complain if they do fix bugs mid season. this thread is an example of that complaining


Im not saying that what you are saying is wrong. You are right. They are definitely fixing this. Im just pointing out Blizzards poor logic.

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Damned if you do and damnederer if you don’t lol.

Well yeah… logic is a loose word here lolol.

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Antivenon got broke.

Helltide event now drops infinity cinders.

What else got brokier?

Devs need to step into a slim jim and start kicking some butt not get kicked around by the code.

This is the question they need to answer. Why does this potion get emergency fix (which it should) but its crickets on all the duping and exploiting of tempers???

I want to see some PVP vides of 1m HP Vs 1m HP. Who wins? The mouse manufactorers.


they fired 3/4 of the staff