New sigil dungeons?

I have been trying to find how many dungeons can be crafted or acquired as sigils but was not able to find any confirmed information anywhere. There are only rumors that you can only roll about 20 different dungeons on sigils.

I was curious if it’s possible to know if more dungeons will be added to sigils in the future and also if the world in general will be made more difficult so completing any side quests when your character is 80+ becomes more challenging and give better rewards?

Thank you!

It could be.
The new ice boss is in a different sigil but small dungeon.

I can see they making new dungeons.

This I doubt. Not with we already have.
They may create some new side mission more difficult, but i doubt that too.
The hard content will come from special events without changing what is here. You need to give options, so people who wants to stick with the easy stuff, can still do it.

Interesting. It would also be great if we could adjust the tier of whisper dungeons.

I believe there are 40. In total. 20 at WT3 level the. 20 more open up at WT4 level. I will update with list in a couple mins.

OK I remembered wrong there are 30 15 at the WT 3&4 level and 15 at WT4 only.

Belfry Zakara
Bloodsoaked Crag
Broken Bulwark
Forbidden City
Ghoa Ruins
Grinning Labyrinth
Lights Watch
Renegades Retreat
Sanguine Chapel
Sepulcher Of The Forsworn
Steadfast Barracks
Vault of The Forsaken
Whispering Vault

WT IV Only
Hallowed Ossuary
Tormented Ruins
Endless Gates
Fetid Mausoleum
Heathens Keep
Leviathans Maw
Crusaders Cathedral
Deserted Underpass
Sirocco Caverns
Flooded Depths
Jalals Vigil
Lubans Rest
Buried Halls
Carrion Fields

This is just for this season and will change again next.

its literally on the top of the forum, as a stickied post.

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Thank you for the confirmation @nightprowler ! Appreciate the work.

Hopefully in the future, instead of rotating dungeons every season, they will consider simply adding more to the current pool and eventually have all the 120dungeons available to either craft as a sigil or obtain with a slight higher chance to get one that you have not completed yet.

This would not only make it more interesting to complete the side quests inside but would also allow you to get all the aspects in the game at the tier you are comfortable with.

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