NEW IDEA - Pawn Shop Vendor! 💡

I love it so long as Rick from Pawn Stars isn’t running it.

4 GA Shako? Best I can do is Crimson Field Sword.

He wouldn’t even give you that much.

Best I can do is 5 gold, 3 obols, and this white piece of armor I found off a dead adventurer.

Could you possibly go 10 gold, 5 obols, and a rare piece of equipment?

Look man I have to make money off of your junk, I’ll meet you in the middle. 7 gold, 4 obols, and a magic item, best I can do.

How can you get uniques with RMT because I added obols to resplendent fragments? Obols are not tradable.

Earning obols is playing the game.

I :heart: the turn 3 bad 3 greater affix items into 1 random 3 GA item as it lets you get excited again as opposed to just selling 3 useless items to vendor.

Remember we are trying to go for feel gud moments here and getting a good item out of 3 junk items u were going to sell anyways is awesome!

you said this though :

1 Obal - 5k gold

therefor it is tradeable in a way

Left side what u have.
Right side is what u get.

This means u lose 1 obol to gain 5,000 gold.
These do not work in reverse.

Sorry for confusion!