Edit: The update link just activated in Steam, so it appears we can be at least ready to go.
So does this mean Steam users will still be able to download so we can start playing at the exact same time? Or is this some other meaning to the word exact?
In this meaning, I think they are saying they are delaying the launch globally so when it dose open up, the launch is the same time for everyone. Meaning if they are delaying Consoles but still launching PCs, that would be we are starting at different times (as an example).
But consoles could download starting a couple days ago, so when it “launches” they can start playing. Steam users have not been allowed to download in advance, so we already had an inherent delay.
Interesting. I know I had a 15GB download on bnet the other day but still waiting on the “day of” patch they mentioned. Consoles got todays patch? I’m on PC so I’d not know myself.
I have a feeling it’s still something in the code. But it’s just a feeling. Usally Console code takes a few extra verification hoops to jump though as part of the process.
Global launch delayed all platforms. Seems its the migration of characters from changing lvl 100 down to 50 for those above 50. Hopefully they dont brick peoples accounts.
They should have taken the game offline to push the update through. It would have made it easier to do a restart instead of trying to adjust people’s levels while playing.
I’m curious, why does everyone have to start at “Exactly” the same time. Are they putting names on statues again? if so, why are steam player penalized waiting for a 50bg download? it is not like anything is a secret since they released it to content creators weeks ago.
Because the patch that people pre-downloaded is not the final patch. We all got 2.0.1 or something, and we’re going live with 2.0.2.
Chances are the patch hadn’t been rolled out to Steam and/or Xbox/PSN in time, so they’re delaying the launch until all the platforms get the patch. Everyone on battle.net that pre-downloaded will have to download another patch before playing.
It’s also possible that they have to do character maintenance before you login, and that may be what they’re working on.
This explanation really doesn’t make a lot of sense as currently outlined. There could never truly be a complete cross-platform, simultaneous launch due to the inability to pre-load on Steam (would would require download/unpacking). However, this isn’t a surprise and was proactively communicated, so I have a hard time believing that is the problem here.
I would actually prefer this be a login/queue issue because I can understand overwhelming servers. I cannot understand someone “realizing” something minutes before launch of a major expansion and deciding to delay a few hours. There are too many people, processes, and decision gates leading up to these events to have an “oops” moment.
If you’ve ever worked in a large corporation pushing software on deadlines, you’d know that often this kind of thing is out of their control and the devs are likely doing 40 hour shifts trying to get it released in time and spending a week in the office with a sleeping bag or worse, their chair as a bed.
They “decided” that it would be ready on the launch date, but due to most likely unforeseen circumstances (people taking sick days, some new bug popping up, family emergencies etc…) it just didn’t happen. If they actually get it live within 1-2 hours of the launch window, that’s probably pretty impressive.
As a person that’s been doing this myself for 25 years.
it is the terminology they used. “… some additional time to ensure we have every player start at the exact same time across all platforms”
I could understand if it was some technical issue affecting everyone, but it makes it sound like they have it ready for some but not other platforms. If they have it ready for some, why not start opening the gates. Those poor EU players are sitting up at 12am/1am waiting
Probably because people will complain that “these people got to 60 before us and beat us to max paragon because they got online 25 minutes before us”…
It’s just easier to open the gates for everyone at the same time, as promised.