My last Diablo 4 forums post. Free advice to fix the game

Diablo 2 did have a healthy trade economy. In fact it had a better trade network than exists in Diablo 4 today.

The problem with games today is people like you exist, and think your opinion is all that matters. Making PvP a joke only makes the game itself a joke. Why is Elden Ring one of the best games ever made? It’s the PvP and the amazing combat system.

But what do I know. Clearly sewer dwellers are higher in number. That means you lot know everything

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Only if the PvP is terribly balanced.
Well, and that the items are terribly balanced, of course, but those two go hand in hand.

I never said it didn’t. I pointed out that it had to be added as a reason why D2 is still played, because deep down he knew it’s not pvp.

You keep saying “sewer dweller” as if I care. Talk about childish low IQ bait.

Which it is. Same in D2 and D3, because the participation is so low it’s not worth dedicating development time toward.

Actually in a world where BIS rolls mainly determine who wins that means the PvP itself is incredibly balanced. When the better rolled gear wins more consistently it means that the classes themselves and the abilities are keenly balanced. But again, set a trap and a fool will walk into it everytime.

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Why do you think it had a healthy trade economy? PVM Endgame didn’t require much. True end game gear was only viable through heavy trade for the purpose of PVP builds.

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If items beat skill then no, the PvP is not incredibly balanced.

If BiS items make any significant difference in a fight, to the point of determining the fight, even at similar skill lvl, it is likewise badly balanced.

Same goes for PvE as well, it certainly isnt only a PvP issue.


Hey genius, what do you think people mainly traded for in Diablo 2, no way it would be gear for PvP would it? Or magic find items to find more PvP gear? Wow you must be some sort of genius.

The healthy trading economy was a result of the PvP being so fun. :clown_face:

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Think we’re wasting our time. These folks think one-shot pvp is fun.

I like how you just parrot the other guy and act like it came from your own head lmao

Last Forum Post, going on 15+

What you just said is a logical fallacy. You are asking for pvp to be determined not by how perfectly rolled your gear is. If I have a 91% BIS barbarian and I am fighting against a 92% BIS barbarian, a lot of it will come down to rotation and skill. But if I’m on a 70% BIS barbarian and I’m fighting a 90% BIS barbarian, I shouldn’t ever be capable of winning.

You are asking for delusion.

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LMAO yeah okay. Please, tell us what end game D2 and D3 had? D4 has way more end game than either of those 2.

D2 End Game:
Just do your farm route non stop all season which is insanely easy and can be done at such a low level. Also, you just basically teleport to boss. Kill in a few secs. Go to your next boss. Kill in a few secs. Go to Travincal. Kill the mobs in a few secs. Kill Pindle in 2 secs. Rinse and repeat basically. Yeah. Such an amazing end game there.

D3 End Game:
Spam GR till your eyes bleed.

Also, 2000 hours to gear your character? LMAO

Weird. You said that was your last D4 forum post yet you keep posting. Too funny.

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Eternal is the “Wardrobe” for your characters because blizzard don’t just want to delete everyones character at the end of season.

It should never be your main game mode

Somewhat agreed.
It probably should be possible to win with 70% vs. 90% gear, but we can take it further, and no it should likely not be possible to win with 1% gear vs. 99% gear (outside of the 99% character going AFK…).
I am not saying gear shouldn’t be a determining factor in PvP. I am saying BiS gear shouldn’t be the determining factor.

This thing started with you saying it took 2000 hours to get 100% BiS gear. Which it technically might.
But if it takes 100 hours to get to 99%, and if in a 99% BiS vs. 100% BiS fight the gear difference wont have any significant impact on the outcome, then surely BiS gear would not be the determining factor.
Both the 99% and the 100% BiS geared character would under normal circumstances destroy the 1% geared character, of course.

Thus it also wouldn’t matter for PvP that it took 2000 hours, or 2000000 hours, to get BiS gear. What mattered is how long it took to get to a gear lvl, where anything above it does not significantly impact the outcome. Which should happen long long before 100% BiS.

It is not a problem, it should not be a problem, if it takes 2000 hours to get BiS gear, nor if it takes 2000000 hours. Since it should not make a significant difference, neither in PvE or PvP.
Making it faster to get BiS gear, would just make the game even dumber than it already is.

Eternal should be just as much a main game mode as season. Let people pick between fresh starts or not, based on their preferences and nothing else.


I can assure you, to get BIS 99% is still 1500+ hours.

The eternal realm should get more love than the seasonal realm to be honest. Considering all seasonal characters and gear end up there anyway, there should be something rewarding you can only accomplish in eternal realm. Seasonal realm is for grinding gear.


Same pathetic remarks.

Why are you not in PoE and Baldur’s Gate already?

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You expect too much from them. The ability to read is asking way too much.

It’s not like we are on some sort of forums. Where reading is a huge part of the discourse.

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this is all i needed to see to know his remarks should never be considered valid


I didn’t even have to read it. Anyone who says PvP isn’t an integral part of the health of Diablo 4 has no grip or degree of understanding on how games actually perform the best they possibly can. It’s like trying to communicate with ants.

The main reason Diablo 2 maintained a healthy trade economy to this date is the PvP.

No amount of logical fallacies or just straight falsehoods can ever change a fact. Cry about it if you want.

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well pvp is not important to the game. its optional side event. i find people who think pvp important quite funny. they bought a game where the devs told them they have no intention of ever balancing around pvp or teally doing anything with it


Well, your opinion matters as much as an ants.

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so does a troll like you