My Feedback for season 5 PTR

First off! season 4 is great! the changes you have done, made the game a lot better! I played way way more this season!

Infernal Hordes - Likes

  • Addon for the end game.

Infernal Hordes - Dislike

  • Its a waste of time to run because of the loot you get for your time.
  • Tier 8 is what I call “for streamers only”, everything takes forever to kill so have a super top build and a lot of time on your hands.
  • The Infernal Offer options to select from could be better.
  • New 6-28-2024) Burning Aether drop rate is garbage! it needs a big increase in drop rate, I did a tier 4, but only got 80 Burning Aether, and I was killing things fast.

Infernal Hordes - Suggestions

  • Faster wave.
  • Waves based on kills not time, so it could be faster.
  • Infernal Offers like, combine two waves as one (to speed things up) and spawn double the enemies.
  • Burning Aether should remain on your account if you don’t use them, you can stack them to spend later.
  • Burning Aether should be shared with the team, if one person picks it up, everyone gets it, and we all have the same amount.

Endgame Bosses
I love the change with the spawning them without leaving, that’s great! New 6-28-2024) I notices an issue, after killing the boss, their body will just stack on the floor and if you do this over and over it will be a lot, maybe update it so the body goes away after entering your mats to fight again.

love it! You can see a line of yours and your teams.

Mythic Unique
love the sound, color, great change!

PTR General feedback
New 6-28-2024) If you add new items in the game and want us to test them, it would be nice if you give them to us, not make us play countless hours just to not get them still, plus locking them behind a certain event in the game just to test them sucks. We should be given high number of resources so we can really test and not have to farm them.

My Diablo 4 Suggestions (Things I would like to see)

  • When crafting nightmare dungeons allow us to just type the number we want and not a range, if I want a NMD T100, I type “100”, and craft it.
  • Tempering should reset just like master working does!
  • Greater affix should show 2 or 3 stars on the icon if it has 2 or 3 greater affixes, so its easier to see in stash.
  • Dungeons in the helltides become “Helltide Nightmare Dungeons”. It will have a new helltide chest at the end and the enemies in the HTNMD will be like they are in helltide, they drop cinders as well.

I agree!
And with all the nerfs the Level 8 boss would have taken me hrs to kill and for what 3 pieces of loot. I just had to die and move on to something else.
Let’s hope that they can make this end game mode Way better than it is right now and worth doing.

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Will we be notified that you have read our feedback?

I ask this because I know you communicate with your streamer partners so their options might matter more since they speaker with some of the game community and may provide their feedback as well.
