Most players here are absolutely clueless

Prepare yourself for the Karen bombardment. :rofl:

I completely agree with you btw, just did not want to deal with the Karens, figured Blizzard will not kill their game over a few threads.

Im gonna love keep watching this game die.

I love it “tens of millions People playing”

Yeah game has what 10k viewers on twitch now? Maybe 20?

Agree completely
Disagree completely with how it was addressed.

And I think thats fair.


Lol spot the casual that hasn’t done anything harder than a Helltide


Surprising … no, disappointing, absolutely. That’s why I posted that this game needs new management immediately!


you are the minority here, sorry. and no i did read your wall of text.


I read to the part DOT build and I skipped the rest. Clueless players

DOT do not critical or stack on vulnerable. Where as everything else will scale with critical and vulnerable. The differences here is that base DOT damage is about 30% higher than other sources of damages in the while the other sources of damage even with critical and vul nerfed can still enjoy upto 500% critical damage and 300% vulnerability in a combined of almost 800% higher output. Simplified calculation

Anyways, I know for a fact that this clueless player didnt even attempt such build and comparison.


The little trolls try their best. They are cute little adornments on the community. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes angry little buggers, but they are always amusing in their absolute lack of understanding of anything or anyone else besides themselves staring at their blank lonely faces behind their black mirrors.

I do think the little buggers give a good go though. They stick around places they clearly hate for our amusement, and we may as well get a little chuckle from their lack of social awareness.

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Just because you don’t want to hear it or don’t agree doesn’t mean it isn’t true. They worked on this for 10 years. Not only that, but they had the benefit of observing every single Diablo game and Diablo-clone since 1998 to see what kinds of things were going on with the genre in terms of fails, successes, and player-created content. They knew from their own games since the release of D3 that players want character slots and storage capabilities, yet they still go ignored. UI and chat issues were front and center in D2:R . . . yet look what we got.

Every single system in this game is half-***** put together and anyone with a shred of sense knows it. The game was NOT playtested worth a crap.

“every game does this” is not an excuse like you’re trying to make it. That’s a huge part of the problem. Idiots continually pay top-dollar for games in “early access” for upwards of 5 years and think that’s okay.

Here’s how I know the game wasn’t playtested: I didn’t do much of anything with the so-called “beta” weekends. I picked up a sorc and the other classes. It’s not rocket science to see how the skills and passives interact. Yay, ice shards blows up things. I could directly observe the extreme amount of damage against staggered bosses. I didn’t need a spreadsheet and I don’t have damage numbers turned on, and I could see it with just my eyes that the damage was weird. It took the casual community a week to observe the same things with the stats. Do you really think if the developers of this game had actual playtesters doing their jobs that this would have gone unnoticed for the past year? This is just one of many examples.

I’m not saying things shouldn’t be fixed. Nerfs will happen. Buffs need to be controlled and not like things were in D3. Unintended stupid damage builds where things are obviously broken need to be fixed.

The game is a late beta. Sorry if you don’t like hearing that it was unfinished and you think anyone that says something you disagree with is an idiot. The truth is the truth.

See you in Season 1 while I continue to play my ice sorc though :slight_smile:

Edit: Edits for typos :slight_smile:


The majority doesn’t care about this stuff.

Do I think the patch is surprising? No.

Do I think it was a good decision? Also no. Vuln and crit damage needed to be brought down, yeah, but they had no reason whatsoever to touch defensive traits when practically everything at endgame will insta-kill you anyway. Resistances don’t work, and having both armor and the many %DR affixes kneecapped on top of that is a recipe for disaster. The change to CDR is probably the worst of the blanket changes, as it makes the game feel even less like a proper ARPG than it already does.

To be clear, I’ve done quite a bit of testing in high keys. The changes are noticeable, but they aren’t completely crippling. The problem is largely that these were the wrong kind of changes. Factoring in all of the changes, what they effectively did was just straight make everyone weaker. Underperforming specs are probably going to be weaker now than they were before, even with the targeted buffs some of them received, while prior overperformers are still overperforming. …Except HotA, which is now dead in the water. In fact, barbarian itself is now dead in the water.

Slowing people’s progress may not have been a good call either. Players were already getting exacerbated with how underwhelming the D4 leveling experience is, and having it now take even longer will almost definitely alienate yet another portion of them.

We’ve got access to the new goodies we’ll be getting with the season dropped. I stayed up all night running the numbers with several other people, and we’re pretty sure, barring some significant changes relatively early in the season, that the new stuff isn’t going to offset these nerfs. Build diversity isn’t going to increase all that much, if at all, and builds that were already overperforming will continue to do so.


Ignorance is bliss. You literally don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s honestly amazing you ever learned how to read or write, you’re that stupid.


does the majority matter to the individual? you spent a lot of words on this, that’s great, you have passion, and you enjoy it, great! but can you really force your view onto others and force others to see your view? if someone isn’t enjoying something, why can’t you let them voice their dissatisfaction as a consumer?


Mate it took me just a couple of weekends to hit level cap and kill Uber Lilith solo under 5 mins with a janky Necro and Sorc Build. I’ve been playing Diablo since it was released this game isn’t hard man.

You guys must love watching numbers scrolling on the screen !!!

Sure you did casual. Nice cap, we can watch youtube too lol

I’m not shocked that the patch isn’t just overwhelming buffs across the board, considering some classes were being kept afloat by abusing bugged mechanics or aspects.

It’s just a rebalancing of the game really.
It’s more complicated than just buff and nerf.

I do wonder if they just put a 3x multiplier on all damage if that would make folks happy? Bigger numbers means good game! Lower numbers mean bad game!

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I agree with you but you gotta admit, it’s bad optics when you let everyone smash through content for a month and a half, just to nerf it all.

Another way to “fix” this situation would be to open T5 where players have to fight level 150 monsters and Uber Butcher that has 4X DPS and HP of Uber Lilith. See? You don’t always need to nerf things.

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Idk man he got 24 hearts and op post got 9, which number is bigger


I’m not the one mad at a video game mate :rofl: :man_facepalming:

Guilty lol. Although I wish they had 3 zeroes, not 30 or whatever people are doing now. This isnt a JRPG, we’re not summoning angels to fire planets at demons from their oversized shoulder cannons lol