Minion command & targeting UI/Controller Mapping

You must have missed where I said…

or perhaps the part where the thread title is “Controller Mapping.”

aka, DUH that would be super freaking obviously easy to just make them attack with any keyboard button over where your mouse is aimed. Like jfc. lol.

Golem already has active targeting via button press. As I said back at launch, the skeleton button should give you priest as usual on button tap, and on long press should target the skeletons just like the golem active skill targets the golem. But for skeleton actives, no cooldown, and no big boom the way the golem skill currently functions. It just aims them.

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Yeah it’s frustrating that holding either does a continuous re-cast or channels a channeling skill. It seems weird that basically no other controls or UI menus in the game utilize button holds to access additional menus or issue additional commands – and things like minion control are among the biggest missed opportunities for that.