Minion and Mendeln Bugs Persisting After Patch

I gave up on running minion builds a long time ago. I can usually make the golem work with a minor hit to the sacrifice skill point, but full minions are just a waste of skill points, glyphs and button slot. Its sad, because minions were so fun to play in D3.

Thank you so much for enormous effort of testing & detailed test sheet

Please, any CM, help us escalate/inform these valuable information to Dev & QA team.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I gave up and changed my Necro alt to the sewer surfer build. This patch was poo poo and now so is my Necro.


Contrary to them claiming they read this sh!t, I highly doubt they do.

I think if devs fix Mendeln ring this won’t change anything in the game.
Pit >100 lvl requires trillions of damage, what can be achieved with overpower builds only (bloodwave or bone spirit). There no way to get stable overpower damage with minions or Mendeln ring.
The only way to get overpower build with minion skill is to use Army Of The Dead, but it works worse than current Blood Wave/Bone Storm due missing AoE damage.
Game requires whole redesign of damage formulas to balance classes/builds and make non-overpower/minion builds worth of efforts.


This definitely looks like a perfect fix for their QA standards.
Approved, next !

… You don’t need ‘trillions’ of damage to do a 100.

i cant even clear a pit 100 in time with minions. its THAT sad…

My gear is fantastic. All the right mythics, all the right GA, all the right stats, and paragon 260. Before the “fix” I was clearing a 90. After the “fix”? I’m still only able of clearing a 90.

They didn’t fix anything.

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Highest pit clear with summon necro is Pit level 115 by IndyGamingDad. He uses army of the dead and doesn’t rely on mendel ring. Your gear/build isn’t good enough then.

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Well I mean CrazyMage’s post isn’t wrong. Because both pre and post patch if you are using Mendlin ring the gear is trash! :rofl:

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Seems like an irrelevant post/reply considering I am using the Ring of Mendeln and the build that’s supposed to function off of it. Two very different iterations of the build, we could all be going AotD, but we aren’t – why? Because we want the Mendeln build. Thanks though.

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It’s been more than confirmed now that there has been no legitimate fix to Mendeln despite the patch. Numbers are polling almost identical post-patch as they were pre-patch.

Gear is trash? No. Ring is broken? Yes.


The gear isn’t trash and Mendel ring isn’t working as supposed, however even a mendel ring would not amount to pit level 115. A no mendel army of the dead summon necro did that. What does it tell me? You are using suboptimal “perfectly masterworked” gear to beat high pits. And even from a conceptional point of view, why would you have a summon necro build relying on a ring only? Army of the Dead can’t get more summon necrowy than any summoner build. You literally rise up a deadly army of the dead which is actually deadly in S7.

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ya i notice the ring isnt procing at all

I don’t see much discussion of thorns above, but my minion necro just got to T4 so I did some testing (on pit 65). (BTW, seems like the mendeln fix did help a little, but not as much as I had hoped).

I did several pit runs at 65 (since that’s my highest at the moment) on my minion build in which I just use curse aura and keep soulrift up at all times. First tried it with Tyrael’s, since it is offense neutral, and was doing it right at 4 minutes.

I then changed to a fully masterworked razorplate, and expected some improvement on kill speed (note no needleflare or passive changes). Still running right at 4 minutes, so no evidence of thorns helping at all.

Going back to my preferred setup of Shroud, I’m down to 3 minutes easily.

My conclusion is that thorns is currently useless on the minion necro unless you have to use aspects and passives to get it to work.

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So I completely disagree with this statement, and would say that the current AotD is about as far from “summon necrowy” as you can get, its an absolutely awful and anti summoner spell. If I renamed fireball to be called “undead skeletal warrior summon ball of deathmancy” it does not somehow turn a fireball into the epitemy of summon necrowy gameplay.
The current AotD is effectively an AoE of random projectiles that scales from your army (your actual minions with health bars) which do absolutely no damage.

I can only speak for myself here and say i made the fantasy/game play choice not to take AotD because it undermined the concept of minion game play and is doing what the old mendeln ring did to summoners back in season 0-5, that being turning your minions just into pointless objects that are conduits or worse for your actual damage aka mendeln or AotD.

Anyway with that said, an actual summoner build without AotD can clear pit 100 quite easily with very good gear and a sub optimal build (passing up damage for quality of life and survivability), as far as I know however if you go full damage it seems climbing beyond 105 has not been acheved without the AotD BS.


I like the old AotD where it would res all your skeles, summon a bunch more and give them all huge AS/DMG buffs for the duration. This iteration of it is very lame.

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Hi all -

Team is working on addressing the slew of items still with Mendeln. They met this morning and it seems like a smaller scope of fixes were hit but not all of them as detailed out through a bunch of investigation from the community.

We are looking at the rest and based off initial takes, it may be something we can do via hotfix. We will know more once the team dives into it some more. This means we can probably get the fixes out a bit sooner unless we find something that will require a client patch.

Separately, some of these are tied to some tooltip errors which will be addressed in 2.1.3 as tooltips typically require a client patch but we believe after the changes, the actual engine and underpinnings will be working. We will be thorough with the tooltip items to help clarify whether this lands in a hotfix or emergency client patch.