I hope not, bricking an item needs to happen I think because it makes getting that sweet temper all the more enjoyable. To each his/her own though, i just hope at the very least they fix rapid fire rogue Scoundrel’s kiss ring . Nothing is more off putting in a game getting a required item for a build that makes you want to Cut Puppies.
Midseason patch! Totally on topic!
I suspect it’s a losing bet…
Now, will they improve it in a way that works for most of us or will they just adjust things that don’t matter b/c they don’t understand the outcomes we’re expecting???
I will wait and see how they handle it before I pass judgment. (BUT I ALREADY HATE IT)
Heh, i bought WC2 from a Babbages in Northgate Mall WAY too many years ago. But i hear you and understand why you say it.
I just think the roaring has been too loud and the problem is too obvious to not address it. Im not saying its going to be completely fixed or anything, but theyre at least going to try something to make it better
It’s all but certain they will do something about it. Every time there is something that challenges players in one way or another, it’s impact is severely reduced consistently. I’d prefer them to not make Tempering so easy, it only takes a 2/3 item to make a 5/5 with little to no effort. My hope is all they do is something like give GA items 1 extra re-roll per GA. My bet is they remove the Tempering limit all together and treat it like enchanting. Leading players to complain about the cost, and eventually having that reduced to almost nothing as well.
I just bricked two GA swords in a row, rolling mostly HotA affix when I needed Bash. Didn’t roll it even once two upgrades bricked after a week looking for them. DCGFIABT
I also believe (and hope) that they will do something to improve tempering, but I’m almost willing to take that bet just because I like gambling. I would accept losing the bet vs any improvments made to tempering you mentioned even if those improvments comes with nerfs (like not letting barbs roll some passives and sorcs roll flame shield)
The reason I won’t take the bet is, if you somehow lose, and there’s 6 takers, I would really feel bad to take all your gold. And I’m not gonna make a bet expecting to lose but in the rare chance that I win I’m willing to not collect my rewards.
But anyways, good luck to us all.
They are not going to change this early so I will take the bet. They should but they wont.
They also need to address tempering in general.
If they just remove one roll on bows for example then we will call it a draw.
IF there is a dispute then we need to agree on an arbiter. I suggest Iggi if he will do it.
I will also accept all 6 bets if you want.
I will need a reply by you on if this is accepted and how many bets you want to do and on who is arbiter which I must approve as well.
There is a difference between not having a problem with the current tempering system and thinking blizzard won’t change it. I like tempering as is and personally don’t feel it needs changed. Whether blizzard actually changes it or not is a completely different thing. One is my opinion. One is blizzards opinion. I don’t know what blizzards opinion is yet.
I have now taken all 6 of the bets if he follows my directions. Bliz is not going to change tempering this early even though they should. IT will change for S5.
@Iggy are you willing to be an arbiter of disputes for bets in this thread?
Hopefully unchanged.
But knowing Blizzard, they will probably destroy it.
Allow players to keep the previous roll. Dont do anything else.
Yeah, that is how it will go
I think masterworking will be changed to lower cost though but tempering its too soon and they dont have any idea yet how to fix it or address it. Bliz needs a lot of time to figure out any changes here so this bet is an easy one.
@vvin. Awaiting your response on my bet acceptance and arbiter choice.
Deal, agreed. I’m not bothering with an arbiter though. I’ll take your word and vice versa. 300m
If they don’t change it, I don’t need my gold because I will quit until S5.
No arbiter is no bet. I dont want this getting messy. WE have to have an arbiter.
I am holding off three gear for tempering until I see the patch note.
I’d honestly be happy if they even just made it so you can’t roll the same affix twice in a row. What pisses me off is not the bricking of the items but getting 5+ of the same damn affix roll in a row.
Putting new tires on a car you sold after that family drives off a cliff edge is the correct thing to do…
If no arbiter and you’re right, I’ll give u 100m for free. Just post here after as I’m a man of my word. No bet needed.
If you wanna do the same, your prerogative.
We can get an arbiter. Who will be impartial here as arbiter? Iggy would be good but whoever is fine. I just have to go through a bit of their history and see that they are not bonkers cray cray.
I’m just not going to give gold to a middle man.