Masterworking is boring endgame system?

You’re dying in 60-70 pits? You typed a book and it’s clearly a skill issue you’re having. Sounds like you just need a better build or need to gear better.

Getting all socketed glyphs to 21 takes less than an hour on any decent build. It’s no different than D3, people grind rifts or push greater rifts. But now we masterwork and push pits. Same concept

Gear better for what, exactly? The same mobs, same layouts, same randomized “bosses” for another 30-40 levels? Why?


A player has max threshold armor, max 70% resistance to All, over 30k hp with 28k barrier, he shouldn’t be one shotted until he reaches Tier 100+ Pit.

Currently the Pit is awfully balanced. I can comfortably farm T61, but I do still get one shotted by Boss shadows and silly elite mechanics.

All for a measly 20 T3 Masterwork material. You need 500+ to complete the last tier of Masterwork. The grind is insane.

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Guessing you’re new to Diablo? That’s the entire point of the game, always has been. You get the same gear, but better, do the same rifts, but harder.


Yeah, like I said, gearing issues.

70 resist isn’t max, that’s just a soft cap. Armor and resistance isn’t all you need to not die. Most DR comes from aspects, talents or gear like Shako.

There’s no way around it, if you’re dying in a 60-70 then it’s 100% a gearing or skill issue, you should not be dying in those, that’s like saying a NM 100 is difficult.

All for a measly 20 T3 Masterwork material. You need 500+ to complete the last tier of Masterwork. The grind is insane.

Yeah that’s why you farm higher pits. 89-99 is usually the best to farm in under 3 minutes. You need to work on your build.

absolutly same trash, idk how in the world anyone could see any difference.

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It’s a mobile game system. No lifers like it.

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There is a difference because of variation. You can be against the GRs and at least admit they have more variety.

What classes are your basing your claims on? Curious. Probably not sorc.

I think Sorc will be better after today. It’s still one mistake away from death in the pit, but you should get just enough time to react and guzzle a potion or two.

The problem with Sorc is damage which drags out boss encounters meaning you deal with many more mechanics that can kill you versus other classes. This is also changing today, some relief is good but will it be enough?

Final word on Sorc, the gear issue is definitely a part of it because you need near perfect rolls to have your safety net available at all times, otherwise you need to learn to dance and try to read the room that is covered in multiple layers of visual FX. Visual clutter is a game issue, and one that is likely to never go away.

Masterworking is trash. It’s just a ghetto grind loop to keep people playing boring pits. There is still no endgame that is fun beyond about 4 hours of hitting 100 for me. Get to pit 100, get bored… See ya next season (season reset is the only true endgame). Don’t think I can bring myself to buy the expansion.

D3 was no better, but at least paragon was there for people who wanted to compete leaderboards. Never bought the Necro expansion and still played about 25 of the seasons. Katie is right–GRs were more interesting.

I can’t remember why I did so many Baal runs on D2. Most likely because I was bored with counterstrike or warcraft 2. My dates are fuzzy.

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Pits are of no interest to me. I think I hit 9 and just can’t really be bothered as I see little to no point.
I do enjoy Nightmare Dungeons and Helltides but pits aren’t interesting to me. Likewise in D3, I usually stopped playing as pushing further in GR (or this case the pit) is meaningless.

It’s why I hate watching D4 streamers. They just go on and on about the pits, which likely in turn will push blizzard to put more focus on it.

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I agree, a sorc which is usually known as a damage output character needs max armour/res and a ton of life to still have to run 3-4 defensive skills in a game with only 6 skill slots and can still be one shot, its horrible design IMO

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No, you should not be 1-shot because you were 200ms off a rotation. This is not a proper defense. Please stop defending how the game makes gear 100% irrelevant.

Pit is season 1 NM. Get old pretty quick.

I agree masterworking needs more tweaking. Additionally I would also like an easier way to acquire gold (like the legendary gem in D3) and maybe the ability to reset masterwork tiers one at a time, to make it less punishing.

This way, as a player, I would be more incentivized to play and tinker with different builds, rather than burn out and wait for next season.

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its what happens when they listen to streamers who have a mental breakdown to save prisoners.

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You mean the entire purpose of the game since Diablo 3? That’s what Diablo is, it’s a dungeon grinding game. If you’re wanting a full blown MMORPG go play WoW lol…

I have a sorc, barb, rogue, necro. farm 90-115 speed clears. I mean sorc doesn’t compare to barb, but properly geared it’s on par with speed farming pits for mats.

Yea, it’s a terrible system and makes the loot hunt less exciting.