March 20th Campfire Chat Q&A

Any information on target farming for specific items now that itemization is being deployed?, such as being able to craft specific nightmare dungeons for specific gear, eg Mercy’s Reach NMD will only drop Gloves



Any plans to add intricate crafting systems that could alter an ancestral item almost completely ?


Question: Do you plan on reducing the rng component regarding acquiring “necessary” equipment or gear improvements?

Specifically asking related on how dependent you are on acquiring competitive equipment for achieving high gauntlet leaderboard spots.
For rogues, for example, having Harlequin Crest and Starless Skies is a base requirement to make the top spots. Some users may get them after “only” 50 Duriel runs, other’s may not have gotten them after 500 runs. Not having these items puts you at a disadvantage you cannot overcome. This also applies to the necessary affixes of +movement speed and +shrine buff duration. Currently the only way to get a missing stat is by using the enchanter - which is always tied to another random component.

Depending on how unlucky a player is, they may have to spend hundreds of hours longer than other players to be competitive. A leaderboard spot should not be dependent on how lucky you were with your target farming.


That will be much closer to the expansion release. We generally try to do them within a couple weeks of the content coming out, depending on the situation.


After the itemization rework, will there be a gem rework? It seems like no matter what build you go with you’re locked into a small sub-set of gems (and in one case, only one) being the correct choice.

This has been especially true after the critical damage/vulnerability rework.


Any news regarding PvP? Will the rewards for pvp ever change?
People will still want the lootfilter even if the itemization gets better, are you already working on it or are you waiting for feedback regarding changes to itemization on s4?


Will you be more transparent and provide regular communication with the community regarding known bugs? For example: With the release of 1.3.4 it broke several aspects, namely Ancestral Charge. There have been a huge amount of confirmed posts/replies about this across this forum, reddit, and twitter. It has been over a week and there has been no fix, but more importantly there has been zero communication. I feel as though the community deserves better and that by now some communication could have been provided, even if only to say “sorry guys, we’re aware and are working on it” rather than simply staying silent.


Will we receive Charms (Idols) and a designated place for them in the backpack?


Question: Diablo 3 has a nice and very welcomed system that increases Primal Ancient drop rates the longer a player goes without one dropping. Will a system similar to this be introduced for Uber Unique’s in Diablo 4? Some players are going 200-400 Duriel runs without a single Uber drop and its very disheartening and disappointing.

Question: Is there any update on adding a Runeword system? There hasn’t been any update on this since a campfire chat prior to Diablo 4 launching.


Has there be any consideration into making the ability to group with other players easier. I may not always want to add a player to my friends list to run a single activity in D4.

  • Can you please increase the drop rate of Duriel’s uber uniques based on the number of players in the party? i.e., quadruple when facing him alone? Very tired of being forced to find “rotations” of Duriel, and forgoing the 4x efficiency of pooling resources together is unthinkable. Please address this, it’s so annoying to group in this game, I don’t want to do it.

  • I killed a ton of the summonable bosses in S3, but in the end the best Overkill, Hellhammer, and Ramaladni’s Magnum Opus uniques all came from Vaults because the item level is guaranteed 925. Could you add an item that you can farm & consume to increase the bosses’ level and ilevel rewards to maximum?

  • Could you add a new reagent or npc into the game to allow re-rolling of implied stat affixes on gear? Finding a good ring is hard enough, but now that there’s a 5th component in the matrix, the resistances, makes it way too difficult. This new reagen/npc could also re-roll the implied stats on weapons, boots, and pants.

  • Is it possible to choose what abilities can proc guaranteed overpowers from gear and/or paragons? I want Blood Boil, Earthstriker’s, and Bone Breaker to activate only from core skills

  • Barbarian weapon expertises all feel very underwhelming except for 2h Axe, can you take a look at them? Also: 2h Mace expertise is basically the Final Boss of all “Damage on Tuesday”

  • The Caged Heart of the Barber borrowed power from S1 was really fun, could you bring that back somehow? It made my Double Swing build very fun. Double Swing and Rend core skills in particular feel extremely impractical with how small the spell’s area of effect are.

  • Can you make the Enhanced Double Swing talent work with Frozen and Feared enemies as well as Stunned and Knocked down? This would make Frostburn, Azurewrath, and Butcher’s Cleaver uniques more appealing for Double Swing barbs.

  • I had an extremely long explanation on a document, carefully spelling out my problems with several unique items, which I suppose is too much to copy & paste here, so I’ll abridge it to this: Several unique items feel incredibly underwhelming, and need not just buffs but perhaps complete rework or reimagining. They are: Azurewrath, Fields of Crimson, 100 000 Steps, Battle Trance, & Rage of Harrogath.

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Any plans for a loot filter? An example of this got very popular lately and would be a great addition to the game!


What plans do you have to keep people engaged going forward? Have played to lvl 100 and then just put the game down as there feels to be no meaningful progress. D3 paragon points kept most people engaged to get that little extra point but there is none of this nor is there much flexibility in the skill system which is seriously lacking against competitors like last epoch.


As a Pure Summoner player, will we see a unique that scales from minion damage introduced to the game rather then the current one (mendeln) which loses power from investing in minion damage?
And with that in mind, will we see a reduction in mandatory aspects (6 mandatory out of 9 available slots) to open up pure summoner build diversity and choice? Example: combining Aspect of Occult Domination and Blood Getter’s aspect into a single aspect

Also skeletons need more buffs!


1: With the fact that D2R was such a success, and that it still has such a strong player base despite its flaws, has there been any consideration to making itemization changes more in the direction of d2r as opposed to d3?

2: Are there any plans for the future of D2R?

3: Item Crafting is so limited it is practically non existent. Are there plans to change this down the road, and if so, will crafted items be tradable?


Please consider:
Any plans to add in rebirth?
Any update on letting us zoom out?
Any plans to remove the cash shop or make everything 0.99?


Are there any plans on expanding the skill trees of any of the classes?


Any chance of making the act of looting go back to how it worked since Diablo 1?

They way it worked from D1 all up to D3 was that, if you had your inventory full and open, when you clicked on an item on the ground, your cursor would turn into that item and you could drop it on top of anything in your inventory to place it there, which in turn would turn the cursor into the replaced item and you could drop it on the ground by just clicking.

The way it works now is that, even if you have your inventory open, if you click on something with the bags full, you will just get the warning that you are full. You then need to click on an item in the bag, drag it, drp, then click on the new item and drag it into your bags.

Its a really small thing, for sure, but it bothers me so, so, so much to the point where it was one of the reasons I stopped playing. The way it is now is a really convoluted way for something that worked flawlessly for almost 30 years and it really doesnt seem to be such a hard thing to change.


Are there any plans for giving players more freedom of choice in getting to end-game state - target farming items / crafting items / loot filter? These systems are optional in nature and can be skipped by more relaxed/casual gamers but are much appreciated by more hardcore ones yet I think that both worlds of gamers would be more happy if more tools offer freedom and help them develop their heroes the way they want


Hello, is a cool game but he really need asap :

  • loot filter
  • end game contents, like GR, delve in poe, endless dungeon, Aoz… Something to climb, maybe with a leaderboards
  • Boss really hard who cant be one shoted with HOTA
  • group finder
  • tool for trade in game

with all of this, i think D4 gonna became an really amazing game where i can spent 1000 hours and more :slight_smile:

Thank you, have a nice day