I would recommend perhaps a new currency that drops from all end-game activities like NMDs, whispers or the council etc. that allows you to upgrade your glyphs rather than just the pit. The pit can be the most effective or efficient method but overall the system itself has the glaring flaw of being posed backwards.
To max out a glyph you will blow past T4 but T4 is the highest level difficulty so there’s no reason to max out a glyph. Having an element that is not in alignment with meaningful progress hurts the playerbase especially if it is through forced content management and time gating. Having a glyph currency system not only keeps people from having to do the same things over and over again monotonously but also allows players an alternative method for advancement that isn’t tied to a timer and thus not tied to efficiency. Keep in mind the irony of tying efficiency metrics to a thing that is supposed to make you more efficient; players who prefer to play defensively are punished for playing defensively even if they are effective and their builds are rendered lesser by default. This hurts build diversity and funnels players into a very distinct end-game build even if they are not competitive but merely completionist.
They need to rethink the whole target farming thing. I’m fine with certain activities being the best way to encourage people to do it. But most everything in the game is do X for Y. Then do A for B, etc. Which typically results in me doing the same activity over and over for hours instead of jumping around doing a bunch of different things.
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If they did that, the devs would have to admit that their “diverse content” is just repackaging the same activity over and over.
There’s also the problem with the new system… with the old glyph leveling no matter how far you could push you could still (though rather slowly) level your glyphs.
Now many builds and classes struggle to clear 100 in the pits. Which means they can’t max out their glyphs. They either have to get carries or live with rank 80 glyphs. It’s no longer possible to grind out better glyphs now it’s push or nothing.
So letting nightmare dungeons or even some seasonal content give you some resource you could accumulate and spend to upgrade glyphs would go a long ways to helping people level glyphs. Assuming Blizzard wants that sort of thing. You know, making the game fun for more players, especially those not playing FotM broken builds.
But I think that actually would be a good thing. If I like activity A more than activity B then I don’t really want or need to be sold on the idea that doing both is good for me. Having A and B being functionally based on the same mechanics is fine; in fact I would go further and say that it’s good game design in the sense that I can do A as long as I want and then when I do choose to do B it isn’t jarring and it’s a smooth transition.
No one is confused that the goal of the game is to put things into lumps and kill them. That’s what you do. That’s Diablo. And that’s what I, and others I assume, bought it to do. Having it do all the new fangled stuff is fine but at the end of the day I just want to go to the boss room and blow the boss up before he spawns and feel good about it whether that’s in some weird timed dungeon or a room where they “pass judgment” or whatever.
D4 needs to just be honest about what it is. It’s not a multilayer complex MMO. It’s a blow-the-screen-up ARPG.
The other place this really shows up is alts. A few hours to hit 60 then it’s pits, pits, pits, pits, some more pits, then some pits, followed by some more pits, then for a change of pace pits.
So you’re saying leveling alts is the pits?
LOL… I go out of my way to only do a couple of pits to start a session with an alt then find something else… whispers, NMD, helltides, undercity… SOMETHING that isn’t MOAR PITZ.
But eventually you’ve got the alt fully geared… and then you’re back to grinding paragon… and the best XP in the game is… wait for it… the Pits.
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100%, give the pit a run for it’s money with alternative forms of Glyph farming and better XP
Yes that would help a lot as pit gets so boring. I dream they would just lvl a little playing the game.
Since they have no issues recycling glyphs (I see Bane being used on more than 1 class), they should just tie the glyphs to the armory and make them account-wide - they did that with paragons, next step should be with glyphs. After all, they poached the idea of upgrade chance from D3, and D3 legendary gems are useable between chars.
That way, we can use SB to lvl the glyphs to max and then play our sorcs