[Main Thread] Playstation - Unable to find Valid License / Too many Requests - June 2023

Same. I had the error once or twice then was able to login and play. Hit lvl 14 and game froze. Now getting the 315306 for aprx 12 hrs

Still having issues. We have 2 copies, one on PC my partner uses and works fine. The other copy on PS5, on his account (primary). I can’t play the PS5 copy through sharing when I log in with my account. This is how we played during Beta with no issues. There was no indication that it wouldn’t work for early release when we bought the 2 Ultimate copies. Beyond frustrated.

Yikes , I’m sorry bud I feel you

It’s ridiculous. My and my husband paid each - 100 USD per game license, 40 USD specifically for early access and we can’t even start playing together.

I want a refund Blizzard.


Blizzard, buying $2 worth of the premium currency in the PlayStation store then logging in fixed this issue.

It works for myself and my friends on PlayStation.

I know it’s not an ideal fix but it was a workaround for us. We lost about 2 hours of playtime before running into this workaround.

Didn’t fix it for me. Bought it both on battle net & psn

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Been a blizzard user for over 10 years basically. From WoW, Diablo and their crappy OW series. Love to see the fact that over a decade Blizzard still blows at their releases. Did their “simply” easy fix to a bunch of the same error codes. Don’t understand the point of pre-order “perks” that never seem to happen when they should. Classic Blizzard. Failing fans since '08. Fix your issues or make it worth while to keep dealing with your headaches.


Sadly didnt work for me

Same issue. Unable to find valid License. I had it last night, did the free game workaround was able to get in. This morning nothing works license error for hours been trying for 6 hours this AM. It’s now 3pm and still no access or updates. Kinda mad I paid for early access I’m not getting…

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Same here. not working even after restarting PS5.

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I’ve restarted my ps5 2 times and no luck and other work around like downloading the ps plus games even buying the 2$ in game currency and I still get the error code 315306. To add on I am game sharing but I’m not sure that means anything.

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To give enough information I am on PS4, trying to play solo. Preordered the game and says it can not find a valid license

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Let’s all just toss 30 USD for early access not to be able to access early. What a friggin bs.


When can i play almost 24 hours later, i wanted play Diablo, its feels like a scam
F***ing 315306 really mad


Downloaded the game and everything was going smooth. Changed the battle net account (Still didnt play the game yet) from my brother’s to mine and here I am stuck with this invalid license for approximatly 24 hours. No response nor updates about the issue from blizzard or sony side and they just took the money. They are posting stuff on twitter about classes as if there is nothing going around. Also I tried every single method to access the game and neither one of them worked for me. This is the best 4 days early launch BLIZZARD.


And most painfull is all my friend is playing Diablo on ps5 how insane, i gonna crying


Can we please have an update? It’s been almost 24 hours now, 1/4 of the early access period, and I still am getting this license error. I have tried every “trick.” I have a support ticket open with Blizzard.


Anyone know if the pre order mount and pre order saddle itens will be linked in the shared console account (the one without purchased) after official launch, since we cant enjoy the early pre order access?


Ok I confirmed all my Diablo 4 ultimate edition and micro transactions show on my wife’s bnet account instead of mine, even though she hasn’t logged in in years and never once was I asked to link an account. She played overwatch on my ps4 7 years ago and it must have carried credentials over from that. On her bnet account it shows no PSN account linked and for the Diablo transactions they all show as separate blank transactions dated yesterday.

My PSN account was linked to my bnet account after the pre order, is all I can think. I just need everything moved over to my account and I assume that will fix this license error.

Oof, that is really bad, Blizzard.

Posting again for those that haven’t seen it.