Loot with Abilities?

No one’s walking away from anything.

which as much as i hate it, D4 is nowhere NEAR the PC game it should be.

I suggested 2 seperate versions to accomadate both but the fact that " cross play " is sadly a thing the massive limitations of consoles will always hold back PC’s.

Like I pointed out previously, I have read that consoles accommodate extra actions through the use of toggle keys. It’s not a matter of running up against a limitation but rather a matter of headache. This idea is intended to be tried as a seasonal concept. At the current conservative rate at most Blizzard will be playing a numbers game with Diablo IV (really expansion dependent as new content will bring money in) rather than making the game much funner or more worthwhile. One of the reasons why corporate gaming is despised, although at this point you question the character and vision of Blizzard designers themselves.

I played for the first time in over a month. The game itself is fine, as is often the case with Blizzard, but it’s sinfully boring. Worse still, looking at a thread like this Is there a Community Wishlist yet of features we like to see?, people who still hang around it don’t really have a clue as to why it’s boring. As the Diablo IV team hardly has much of a clue either you can easily come up with a long list of things to keep you busy and “productive” that would for the most part be marginal improvements, if any. It’s like rearranging the chairs on the Titanic. Take the much ballyhooed monster density topic, for instance. Ok, the density has been increased. Game is still boring and it has continued declining.

The entire community is myopic. The question shouldn’t be what the relatively few people who hang around seem to want (look at how dramatically forum activity has declined), it’s how in the world do we make this game less boring? That’s your big problem. The game is boring. I don’t think minor improvements fix that. Everyone thinks small. Hell, seems like a trendy suggestion now is having sigils be upgradeable outside of nightmare dungeons, as if that’s the reason why the open world sucks in this game. Then this happens,

and the already clueless dev team has more crap shoveled onto them. Do you think the “Community Team” has any clue what it’s doing? I have watched multiple games die. This is partly how it happens. Developers do a lot of minor or standard work sidestepping truly important fundamental flaws until eventually resources run out. Rationalizations don’t run out until simply no one is left to talk.

These guys are onto something.