Living Steel chests need to be marked on the map/ Sick and tired of this failing

Cinders should definitely carry over. Blood harvests do it right.


I used to hate finding living steel until I read about Helltide dot com. It has a live map of where to find the various mystery and steel chests. Check it out it makes it so much easier!

living steel chest should at least drop 5 a run or make it so shards of agony only cost 3 living steel not 5 itā€™s absolutely pointless to only get a total of 6 living steel per hell tide unless you time the respawn which is also like why. If you are doing a hell tide for an hour you should be able to get living steel until the hell tide is over not just 2 chests this is stupid.

Yea, got tired of the hamster wheel and doing other things for now like lvlā€™ing up glyphs for other builds.

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Helltides and their bugged release ruined Season 2 there I said it.

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Have not felt the motivation to play much recently. I played a bit after the last patch to see whatā€™s going on. Have run 3 Helltides full time beginning to end and have never yet found the chest. I get 700+ cinders and just run around trying to find it while the clock runs out. Again I have never found one so with 10min left I just run back to all the normal chests and open them all. Again not much motivation for playing.

What baffled me was that they didnā€™t want an overlay map because they wanted players looking at the game.
But theyā€™re perfectly content with having to alt-tab to a browser window with a map of the game open to find true silver chestsā€¦

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Sadly today Iā€™ve come to actually realise I donā€™t think Iā€™m having fun anymore. I feel like logging in to my Level 100 is like a job and one of those jobs where you wake up and wish you could pull a sickie and not go in. LOL.

I went into a few NMD to level up some Glyphs, then realised a Helltide started 10 minutes ago and I was like, ā€œmehā€ and logged off for the day. :joy:

I get bad FOMO and D4 is becoming bad for my health because of that, but itā€™s actually really not fun anymore. Iā€™m actually tempted to start playing Genshin again. :crazy_face:

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That would begood. Maybe make people that want to carry it over do something like a short side quest to get a cinder cache.

Itā€™s not cheating to need to look up a chest location when I need to loot TWO of the Living Steel chests to summon one boss and I have to summon that boss twice to get the materials to summon Duriel.

Iā€™ve gotten exactly 3 mats out of the last two chests Iā€™ve looted and it feels like a sick burn.

Fun, I have already done + 20 dury runs, people have done more.

Grinding shards is not fun when you need to find chests that might be bugged, might not even appear and that you simply can not find.

The system at present is a waste of peopleā€™s time.

It needs to be changed or redefined.

I can 100% agree with the shards carrying over like the vampire zones, it works so well there and surely would be a simple fix.

Saying that, i prefer my idea of just showing all the chests on the map before the event ends.

Of course it is, I get it though, people cant figure things out themselves and have to cheat.

Know what would be awesome? If they fixed that bug considering that the only end game in this game right now is farming Duriel.

Had this happen twice in one day. This needs to be fixed. Im out a thousand shards for nothing as I needed the chest to be there with a minute left multiple times and it was gone.

How many steels have you found so far this season without looking up chests? Enough for half a Duriel run maybe?

Its irrelevant to the fact people cheat instead of figuring things out.

Thatā€™s bollocks and you very well know it.
Otherwise build guides, overlay addons for other games (looking at you elderscrolls online Pc), strategy guides are ā€œcheatsā€.

Cheating is running duped materials and taking advantage of bugs/ glitches.

And considering that the steel chests are bugged to not show up, sit in an event thatā€™s not 24/7, and hidden to boot, yeah you can bet your left nut thatā€™s a sign that the ā€œfunā€ little ā€œgameā€ theyā€™ve got with ā€œhe who grinsā€ (devs obv troll), is a badly thought out and unfun activity. Which of course means- people are going to use external helpers to assist in completion. Much like how EsO pc players use addons to help them get trifecta run trials.

Yep, of course its cheating. You arent figuring anything out yourself and instead relying on what others have figured out. Many gamers these days cant do it themselves and have to rely on cheating.

And thatā€™s the history of humanity.
Someone somewhere in the distant past figured out what mushrooms were safe to eat, and what ones were ā€œoops we dead nowā€.

That same principle applies to games. I figure my own builds, but that doesnā€™t mean I ignore input from outside sources.

Same applies to hurdles in games. If you try and try again, and canā€™t succeed alone, you get help.


I ran him twice with my necro for the seasonal journey and thatā€™s it. If people want to grind him more for that chance at an uber unique then thatā€™s their choice.

Donā€™t know what to tell you bro. Iā€™ve never not been able to find a steel chest after collecting my 300. All you have to do is start at one end of the hell tide and work your way down. If you are using a website to tell you where to find things and they arenā€™t there, then raise hell with the website. Steel chests are completely random and can appear anywhere in the hell tide event.

I get the frustration, but people kicked and screamed for months ā€œWHERE IS THE END GAME?ā€ Well, here it is. Endgame in Blizzard has always been about grinding the same stuff over and over again in the hopes of getting that rare drop. For me, all I care about is completing the top end content and then chilling until the next season. For me the journey is what matters. But since Blizzard is going to cater to the WOW generation that only cares about speeding thru leveling so that they can grind the same garbage over and over again at top level, my time in game will be shorter than it was for season one. But I hope the rest who demanded this cr@p enjoy what they asked for.