Let me do what I want to do

I feel the longer I decide to play, and I mean it should be decided by ME, I should be able to fill out of many Boards as I want. I should be able to get as powerful as I want. I can eventually just fill out all the Boards. Get all the Skills. and if the SKills were balanced I can see myself having more fun.

Then whenever I want, I can play whatever I want.

I payed good money for this game. I want to play how I want to play. I want to do what I want to do. I want gameplay systems in place where I do not have to forced into certain content for certain content or progression.

I think we need a more natural approach to progression.


all boards and every paragon point to fully collect every node !! lets goooooooo


I want to be able to fly and shoot spaghetti out of my eyes. I paid good money for this game after all!


Feels good don’t it? Stand up for yourself.

WE paid for this game. It is OURS now.

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You bought the permission to play the game which can be cancelled w/o any reason anytime :heart:


You paid only for “access to their services”!

They can dictate however they want us to play! As Slappa said, they can actually terminate our access to their services with or without notice! :slightly_smiling_face:

So they don’t owe us anything really. We accepted the TOS!


That’s just too much truth this early in the morning for me right now


I want to fill out my board too! That way every class has all max paragon boards and the only difference in builds are what skills / items they wear!

Sounds like FFX maxed spehere grid. YEAH AURON use Thundaga!

yes! lets enable god mode “~ iddqd” and unlimited gold! “~glittering prizes” and 9999 paragon unlocks “~ enter cc number to bliz store”


Don’t forget the god mode code for the Glyph radius’s to overlap on the other boards Glyph Radius = 999999999


What a stupid thread. The internet is ruining everything.


There have to be rules in every game. Would be pointless otherwise.

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You do not own anything it is not “OURS” all you paid for was access to the platform.

“Your use of the Platform is licensed, not sold, to you, and you hereby acknowledge that no title or ownership with respect to the Platform or the Games is being transferred or assigned and this Agreement should not be construed as a sale of any rights.”

Remember what you have already said. :point_down:


Let me have an ‘I WIN!’ button.

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sorry, you get the “Broken I’win” button

Boards are like items… you can’t equip 3 helmets and 4 pants… only one of each.

The limitations sometimes make it interesting… And having limited points is what made it interesting.

Now, to be honest, I think 5 is too limited. I usually use 6 boards and get everything I want. The 100 extra points are unnecessary for me… and I will have more left over since I don’t have my sixth board.

Out of all the superpower, why do you pick that one? :rofl:

Element of surprised. They’d be so shocked that’s the moment to strike! Plus after battle food is right there. A no brainer really.

Does it come with sauce tho?

Sounds like Streamer Mode.

Just become a streamer and the gates will magically open. :rofl:

Once you open them then you can change your tears to “The game is to easy please make it harder Blizzard”