Lacking social system

Is is mind boggling that in 2024 I am playing a Diablo game, an online multi-player game, and I am solo except if I go to a 3rd party site to find a group. Even then the party size is rather limited.

Tired of hearing people whine and complain how much D2 was better? Well maybe if D4 development was not missing so many important aspects and components, people would not complain. Some of my best memories ever of a Diablo game came from D2, joining groups to play through the game, or complete a task. Several times I found a game of 7 players who went through the entire Normal > Nightmare > Hell together without any ‘rushing’ character.

So how could they develop this game in 202x and not think to implement a group/game finder leaves me speechless because I do not think I can truly write here my thoughts on this as there will be to many *$#&@ and *****.

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