Kor Dragan Stronghold Boss

The blood priest boss in Kor Dragan is WAY overtuned. The poison guy alone one shots you, not to mention the end where he ressurects all 3 at the same time. Im pretty geared and have loads of poison resist and this fight is turning me inside out.

Apparently if you are in a party and your party mates are half way across the world and not with you in the Stronghold, the fight still scales for your party.
So my problem was that I was trying to solo this boss on WT2 in a party of 3.
Dropped party (had to reclear) still WT2 and wrecked it.

So PSA, scaling per party still happens even if they aren’t with you.

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What level are you? If you are at WT2, go to WT1. From what I remember, it’s a high level (25+?).
Also, not sure what you mean by “I’m pretty geared” at this level :slight_smile:

killed him few minutes ago on level 46.
the adds just instant died ( frost sorc ). maybe come back latter with better gear.

When he teleports, run away from him. He shoots slow missles in your direction. Just evade them for 5 seconds… Your just doing it wrong.

You have to dodge the magic missile spam, otherwise it’ll tear you up. Try WT1 if you’re still having difficulty.

The magic missile spam is hardly the biggest problem. Like he said, that poison dude that oneshots you.

Levelling up a bit more makes no difference because the stronghold’s level goes up as well. I was 38, it was 40. I levelled to 40, everyone is 42.

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kor dragan i just facerolled it on world tier 2

maby its just a “you” issue ?

you even say u have nice items maby you play bad or something ?
learn mechanics

Maybe I had the right resists but my minions ate him. Easier than most bosses.

And I’m the next Pope.

See how easy it is to make :poop: up without any proof?


well i am twisting blade rogue

the one who solo ashava
no need for any proofs lmao

but yeah, other classes can have hard time xD

It’s a build check. If you’re getting one shot, something is wrong. You’re either not doing enough DPS to kill the guy before he kills you, or you’ve got not enough defense.

Strong Holds are intended to be hard. They are always going to outlevel you, so your gear needs to make up for the level advantage they have.

In other words; they aren’t overtuned, your build just isn’t as good as you think it is.


douche answer not gonna lie

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dear lord the boss cant stand straight in front of me for no longer than 2 minutes, during which I am barely in danger and this is tier 15 nightmare world tier 3, so please shut it and gear up

wtf with those answers? it’s the nerd attack show?


I feel you. Same happened to me and started boosting my resists and kept getting killed. Then i forgot about the resist and boodted only armor and life and it was pretty easy. Resists are overvalued. Around lvl30 at least.