Just gonna say it

Aside from the blatant cash grab and smaller world diablo immortal is, I will say I had more fun playing that than D4, and D4 could have borrowed so much from immortal in terms of the social aspect.

To be honest, I thought diablo immortal was going to be a kind of sneak peak to the way d4 would be, with d4 not being paywalled and more expansive both in story/zones and activities. D4 in some ways, is a step back and seems ( and I cant believe im thinking this) a little stripped back or bare bones. thoughts?

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can you elaborate on what you liked about immortal that is missing from D4?

Imo, it does feel like it’s missing something. To me, it’s got that nice blend of D2 and D3 feeling, but there is definitely something that was once in diablo that is missing.

I tell you what it’s missing. It’s missing the ability to log in lol.


the group finder, world chat, clans that had purpose ( ie the missions and such they would get) spell animations for the classes seemed alot flashier, the story and pacing was just right, the factions you could join ect

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I like the darker feeling, feels more evil and like for adults from teh vids. that part is sick. the gameplay is eh… Summoner class is eh… and Im pretty mad that i spent 105$ for plat edition just to sit in que for 3 hours >< They got that much people who paid that should get a que skip… so tempted to do a charge back or request a refund.

Diablo immortal is ok i got like 200 some hours in that and love my necro and barb. but its too p2w and eventually you just log in to do dailies etc then log out.

No full screen wtf… no gsync
SUmmoner needs a little work with skeleton life and the ai of ur summons needs tweaked on D4.

how can you disagree in terms of comparing this to diablo immortal if you never played it?

Optional feature and totally not needed to enjoy the game

Ah! That’s it. Yes, I wish blizz would bring back the log in feature.

You mean a soul?

I’m not even that far in and it feels like this game was made by the nephew, cousin, son, friend’s kid because he wanted a job and had an in - nepotism.

Almost like whoever made it didn’t understand any of the previous games.

Like I want my dungeon crawling and this don’t feel like it. It feels like an exercise in making a game purely off of watching videos of what the previous games were like without experiencing it.

“Ok so there’s enemies. Got it. So we put enemies in the game.” kinda vibes, ngl.

Everything just feels off - like the input/output feedback loop isn’t there. There’s input and there’s output but the two aren’t synergized. Systems and mechanics exist but the core feedback loop of gameplay feels off.

Never hire a level 1 designer to create a level 99 game.


I think that’s it right there. It just doesn’t have that Diablo game vibe.

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CREATORS OF THIS GAME should have atleast 3k hours in D3 3k hours in d2 and 3k hours in d1. and 1k hours in immortal.

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im sitting here thinking, ( all i can do since we cant log in) and I cant put my finger on it, but something does seem off, and yes, the game has a odd, hollow feeling, and I can’t figure it out. Maybe I just expected too much.

Dunno about that but having a knowledge of previous gameplay loops should be a requirement. Everything from core combat, loot systems, dungeon design, etc. These are all feedback loops that should be feeding into one another better with the focus on the thing you do 90% of the game leading the charge with everything else secondary and placed on /assist to that main loop. It’s a core tenet in game design.

The core doesn’t seem to be very well thought out leaving the rest to try to carry it but that’s a heavy ask for tertiary game systems that should be designed to assist, not carry.

Needed a lot more time in the oven from a different lead, that’s for sure.