It's going to be a long 68 days (1 Days Now)

We’re almost there hold onto your keyboards!

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Mind = blown
𝅶𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶


Almost 5am here now… just another 20h to go! :beers:

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yes, marked in 30seconds from this point in time!

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I was going to say something similar. I think I was able to get on 14-15 mins early but decided not to because than everyone will try to get on when I am, lol. Guess the :cat: out the :pouch: now. :sob:

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More sections of the forum are open now if anybody noticed.

If anybody is looking for a clan, I updated the first post and also posted in the newly clan section of the forum.

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Just 4 things left to do before launch.

  1. Go supermarket and buy the snacks/drinks. DONE
  2. Clean my apartment. DONE
  3. Order a big pizza.
  4. Sleep.
  5. Game on! :beers:
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The game releases 2 hours before i leave for work. i’ll get to play 2 hours. definitely going to leave work early. Probably around 3:30am. Stock up on snacks and energy drinks. Can’t wait

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1 more sleep for me… Should wake up 2-3 hours before launch, and knock out the chores :smiley:

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Done my “chores” now, all that is missing is the large pizza and some sleep after that… but waiting another couple of hours before I order… else I would have to sleep 12 hours haha. :beers:

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4:35 AM on the Eastern Coast of the US and all I can hear is that stupid clock ticking…
The world is not ready for my Ice Rogue…
…You are not READY.


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9am in eastern Australia, but probably won’t get to play until midday. Hopefully there won’t be any server problems or hope they will be fixed within a 3 hour timeframe.
14 hours remain.


So I just watched Kripps latest “Summoner Necro Build” video… I am very close to roll a necro as start instead of Sorc due to that video… looked like an awesome build on paper! :beers:

12 hours… Let’s go!!!


Just ate a pizza… and now I am waiting for “foodcoma” to kick in… then off to sleep… and hopefully wake up 2 hours before launch! :beers:

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less then 12 hours to go


Time is now 13:37 here… 11h 23m to go! :beers:

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Less than 7 hours now… Just woke up from my nap… was hoping I could sleep atleast 4 more hours but nope! :beers:

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I will have a nap to break up these 7 most longest of hours.

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A few hours left let’s goooooo

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