Its been 8 months now

i shouldn’t need a third party app that has nothing to do with blizzard just to find people to play with.

i am sorry, all this should be in game, like…ALL their other products.


This is all 100% facts and a lot left out… I could add to it but why? The game has over 20 years of things they could have added to this new game but they left out? That’s like producing a car nowadays without power steering.

still doesn’t change the fact that if you were actually playing those games, you wouldn’t be here moaning about a game you don’t like

I don’t like PoE and you know what I don’t do, waste my time on the forums of a game I don’t like or play when I could be playing a game I do like

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yea, but those games didnt rob me of 60$, poe is free to play, i played poe for a lot more hours than i played d3 and d4 combined. pal world is free (for me, dunno if its really free or not) and i played palworld for more hours than i did d3 and d4 combined.

im here because i love the diablo universe, the graphics are good, the story is always top tier, now make the games good, they already figured it out once, you’d think the second time would be easier.

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you weren’t robbed you willingly gave then the 60$, it’s not like they took the money without your permission

using your analogy, if I was to play PoE it would be robbing me of time I could be using to do better things

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The only good thing about Diablo 4 for me…
I found out about last epoch because Diablo 4 sucks so bad.

I realized the truth about what blizzard has become, they are preying on people who grew up with blizzard. At the same time, they are selling the most basic and casual development in specific genres solely to provide a platform to sell digital cosmetics.

Blizzard is dead, new president is a marketing strategist who watches football… we couldn’t be further from the blizzard crew that started it all with Warcraft, Diablo and StarCraft.

Blizzard is a simple branding machine, but until the masses wake up, we all get under developed beta releases where blizzard is laughing at us because we pay them to test and provide insight to better their platforms.

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This is how I feel. I dont play Diablo to group, trade or chat what other players. If I wanted that, I would be playing WOW. And back when I did play WOW, if you were serious about grouping you joined a guild and chatted on discord because everyone knew that pugs were a waste of time. No one types in general chat except people trying to sell carries or argue over political B.S. Im fine with none of that garbage being in D4.

wow and diablo have nothing in common. i played wow from classic to cataclysm, in a competitive guild. wow is a time commitment. the nice thing about diablo games is being able to log in, find a group and do a dungeon within 20 minutes or so, and accomplish something.

wow is the exact opposite, of course you would use discord for wow. makes no sense to use discord for a game thats supposed to have 20 minute interactions.

its been 8 months now,

games still bad

yet you still care

admit it, you love the game

i hate this game.

i do love the story and graphics the diablo world has, i just wish it came attached to a good game.

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What do you need a group for in this game? NMD 100 can be soloed as can every Boss in the game.

strange then, why you keep coming back to the game you hate???

because i play games to socialize with people? if i wanted to play single player games i have a long list of better single player experiences than this game.

this game is hindered by multiplayer restrictions, while not having any multiplayer interactions. its the dumbest design ever.

they should just make an offline/SSF mode for people and an online groupfinder and trade mode for others, but blizzard being incompetent, the best they can do is neither.

i have to obtain 60$ worth of entertainment from this dumpsterfire and the game isnt doing it, so ill take it by annoying blizzards mindless customer drones on the forums.

even these forums are sad. a few months ago these were poppin. now? like 5 replies to a thread is a big thread LOL.

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ah…so you are tryin to get your 60 worth by hatin on the forum.

some say forum is the end game, I get that now.

I hope you get the satisfaction that you need so much. good luck bro.

stay hattin.

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so this post is a rant. got it. blizzard has noted and will ignore accordingly. give up, the money cannot be refunded. move on. let go and the pain will go away.

You don’t NEED it but it’s there because everyone uses it. The game does have ingame voice you can use. And there is the chat system you can always ask people using that or just visit towns or you can even look on the forum which isn’t a 3rd party app and it’s made by blizzard to help you find friends to play with.

i agree 1000% …i wait for poe2, d4 is really bad no social aspect no trade no chat lol

got more fun in d2r really much fun but d4 is a complete catastrophe.

i play a bit and then its borring no motivation to play in d2r i played 12 hours per day and it was fun.

shame on you blizzard

why they dont add 300 uniques, runes, runewords at least for long time playability :frowning:

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“Live service” = pay us to beta test our proof of concept costmetic sales platform while we prepare cut content for expansion sales.

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OMG this is so true, it should be a crime for companies to do a bait and switch like they did to us. O wait it is in the USA maybe someone will file suit against them because I know I am ready to contact my lawyers on their lies of giving us set items runes & runewords but will try to sell it to us in a expansion.


Ask those console players if they want to type/chat.

The game is more of a console game than a pc game… fyi