Itemization Problem & "Loot Fatigue" - A good take & idea (video)

It’s fine to get BIS at lvl 58 (you won’t because it has less armor).
You also won’t soon enough because we will get WT5.
You also won’t be lvl 58 for half the time you’ve been 58 this time because you will learn to be more efficient AND have 30%+more power from seasonal.

It’s a non issue…and everyone complaining got very lucky with some drops, still doesn’t understand that the item is not actually perfect anyway OR that even if it was the gain would be marginal…also don’t understand that getting an amazing item at lvl 63 and keeping it till 93 feels great ALSO don’t understand some ppl (probably more outside the “I have nothing to grind where’s the #dopaminelootrain bruh” crowd) prefer to not have WT4 be meaningless as a trade off for a small boost in artificial sense of progression (which btw still exists in pragaon and is higher than item upgrades but these ppl hate because it’s “not exciting” aka as “not-as-exciting-as-basically-gambling”).

The video guy “doesn’t want this” but there’s no data or comment on how often that happens and to how many ppl. Or how long you spend at lvl 58 before seasons and full altars of Lilith. Or how it’s true the game wasn’t really finished so there will likely be new affixes (or that higher roll range he wants) past lvl 85.

Did it happen to you? Did it happen in more than half of your slots? Did it happen to you on your 2nd played character?

This is all separate from how they should make WT3 and 4 more exciting than it is and each of them should have more new stuff than the last so it doesn’t all blend together.

Also, at what point are you going to stop asking for D4 to last forever (on each character) or be artificially extended by having more grind or “more reasons to grind” (instead of “more fun things to do and slightly longer life of a character”)? You are supposed to be done with your barbarian after under 300h (weeeeeeelllll under 300h).

You have the franchise manager having to tell ppl you’re not supposed to play it forever and non-stop damn it!
Because if you did it would have to be balanced for that and/or stretched further and if they do that they alienate everyone that’s not in it (mostly/only) for the stupid loot dopamine rush (just a sense of progression that everyone seems to mistakenly think should be tied to only or mostly items - remember how they kept saying they put most of the power in your character for the past 3 years?!) and even those would only get what 50% more playtime from 1 character anyway at best if they changed it to be that way.

Gotten to the point where ppl are crying in a corner that you have to grind renown but they want to grind loot at max level (because you shouldn’t get best stuff before then) without the play-style changing at all (which already kinda happens too soon) but also asking for everything in it to be clearable with WW 1 button builds or full removal of vulnerable (instead of a pretty high cap) or of cooldowns…and not seeing the contradiction.

And it’s all (mostly) separate from how uniques should be better AND more interesting (and more of them) and ok maybe even somehow guaranteed to be better later ( lvl 85+ ones in WT5 should have 1 extra affix that makes them not trash and better than the sacred on you MAYBE had but probably won’t have anymore because next time you’ll level up a lot faster and/or not get very lucky…basically every chest unique piece should have one extra defensive stat in WT5…probably…if not actual redesign).