If you had put on the cover of your game that I was going to have to count on other people to finish the game I would not have bought it

no what you did was to belittle what I said and try to make it seem like it is just me, my build, my ability. the facts don’t jive with what you are saying since many other people who played this have said the same thing or something like it. And it is typical of a BOT to defend it’s master

Only Dark Citadel needs “group play”.
Everything else can be soloed.

Also i’ve said it multiple times, create your own group!

I am doing DC daily. When my friends aren’t online i just put “exploration and newcomers welcome” tag and never took me more than 1min to find players.

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I shouldn’t have to. did they sell it to a group or an individual?

Well, im sorry you feel belittled, but when you are sharing false information, this is kind of bound to happen.

If you cant beat bosses solo, its 100% a you problem.

they sold it as group content.

Not sure if they have private partys. I dont see why they would considering you can just add your private friends right from your list.

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it has been a word long before the person existed

i think i saw something like that ^^ might be wrong tho. But i guess ill test that stuff sometime with friends with a public party i guess when we are in discord. would for sure be interesting to know.

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