Update: I just found a double GA Blue Rose now (chance to explode twice and cold damage), BUT just ran out of materials to temper my 2h staff. Otherwise, I have everything else to get the build going.
Awesome, grats on the 2 GA.
Keep us posted. None of the major content creators are talking about it at all but I feel like it could be Ice Spikes’ time, especially after the big nerfs to Lightning Spear
This may have been answered above by the comments however I did have a general question about the build.
I noticed when playing this season there was no option in the offense affix for sorcerer for Ice Spike Damage under Frost Finesse… Was this replaced with the other affixes for Ice spikes under the frozen augment or Ice shards under the frost augment? If this is the case, would you need to redo or rearrange a current build based on gear obtained?
I think it’s in a new category now ?
N1ghtrav3n: Ice Spikes Double Damage temper is under “Frost Augments - Frozen.” There is another Frost Augments category. Confusing, but I appreciate it being in a separate bucket to minimize potential bricking.
Malachite: Thanks! I wish the second GA for this Blue Rose was on CSC tbo vs cold damage (which I believe to be inconsequential for blizz/ice spike dps output). I’ll try to make it work regardless. I have most of the test gear tempered/enchanted. Still trying to find a couple more pieces then it is go time (crossing fingers).
EDIT: And you’re 100% correct, I can’t find much out there on Blizz builds (it could be a sleeper for Sorcs). The Skill Tree is straight forward (so much flexibility here). I am going to start of with a hybrid of Lurkin’s Blizz build (from mobalytics). Skill Tree is straight forward. Paragon tbd… lol
I haven’t even looked at the new Sorc boards so can’t help ya there.
I would imagine anything that boosts cold damage but not skills should help, since the ice Spikes are an item effect and not actually cast by you, much like Barb’s Dust Devils.
It probably won’t be very good for something like the Undercity where you just want to zoom due to the need to have enemies clump up under the blizzard.
Actually, incidentally I wonder if using Inferno expressly for that purpose would be worth it? Pretty sure one of the Mercs can gather enemies together as well (I wanna say Raheir and you can even set that as a reinforcement on Blizzard cast) but that will only work when solo.and has a cooldown.
Dunno if there are any rune words that would help gather or at least keep enemies in place.
I suppose Raiment is an option but that just sounds like a baaaaaad idea.
ok i have if not the most busted ice spike gears in the game because im like the only person who devoted my time playing ONLY blizz sorc.
4GA blue rose + 79.99% chance to deal x2 temper on my staff and if you’re asking me if its good or not i can’t tell yet because i aint even max lvl or glyphs.
but if you ask me compare to last season…its in a big of a weird place.
Last season you focus solely on ice spike damage tempers etc etc. This season you focus on CSD, and chances and other multiplicative damage.
For example on your staff you should try to crit your chance to deal x2 damage twice and on your blue rose crit on chance to pop twice at least once assume its a GA.
Ice spike this season feels…underwhelming…i were expecting more power…like constant out put of double damage. It’s working apparently but I feel like its barely proc .
It’s possible that it may be bugged?
I mean double casting and doing double damage should lead to very high dps - with some variance due to Blizzard wonkiness.
visually you can see its working…the blue big ring spreading outward when icespike explode that is the double damage buuuuttttt…we still deal fk all damage compare to every other builds.
Why? gave us 1 new temper and nerf everything elses…I cant even clear pit 75 comfortably and my glyphs are all 100…this season is wack
Oo that doesn’t make any sense, wow.
Might be they just need to increase the damage of the effects since it doesn’t scale off any stats or weapon damage.
heres some quick basic “testing” that any person can do and i swear to god if any moderators/admins see this do us a favour and go test it yourself.
Disclaimer: If you tell me that every season we’re changing everything so thats the reason why I’m experiencing the damage I’m getting; then it means you can revert all of these im about to tell you back to how it was in season 1 2 3 4 5 for blizzard ice spikes.
Ok here it is, I will start by saying i only play blizz ice spike and i adore it and this season had me rage quit for real because I don’t know what you guys did but the build is unplayable.
Let start with the basic, crit strike damage and damage number visual.
at no point in my previous seasons had I ever hit the CSD of this season, right now I am sitting at almost 2k5 CSD compare to previous season at around 990% CSD.
When I am fully built and fully stack my blizzard in previous seasons I were seeing and getting very consistence damage numbers, however for this season I do not.
For this season by the time i hit paragon 238 with FULLY MW gears, lvl 100 glyphs I still see the same numbers I see when i were paragon 50-100 lvl 46 glyphs.
How? HOW? what on earth is going on here? I should not be seeing these numbers at any given time, I do understand if I see a lower damage number, say my max damage right now is 10mil per ice spike, without procing tibaut’s aspect…I do understand if I see even half of that which is 5mil damage when the ice spike pop.
But it is absolutely garbage that I still see 500k damage…what on earth is doing 500k when I have hundreds of spikes popping right infront of my eyes? which spike does 500k damage? or even worst…100k… 150k…like what?
If the scaling works how it suppose to work I should see different numbers…it has 0 consistency…and this is a dumb founded way to test aka anybody can test this.
Idk what you guys did, idk whats going on here, all I know is with these stats and gears and paragons and glyphs I should not be seeing these damn numbers.
No. Chain Lighting + Lighting Spear.