I got 6 Uniques in a day

“Anyone that disagrees with me is just a shill and is a moron.”

You’re a broken record.

Yeah you are right, Blizzard shouldnt use “PSUEDO” RNG.
I’m so not educated that i don’t know why they keep using “PSUEDO”.
They should use TRUE RNG and supercomputer so we all could get 100% unique drop.
Even if its just a GAME, they should implement RNG that cost millions and millions, im so not educated. TRUE RNG will turn everything droppable. Its like winning in the lottery, it happens to everyone. “PSUEDO” is not random at all.
(Did you see the sacarsm?)

Says the literal admitted Troll & Shill, that daily spews the same irrelevant garbage excuses of a response (like an actual broken record) all over the forums instead of getting your unchecked issues that drive you to harass & stalk others you disagree with resolved. I beg you to please do so before you do the same thing to someone in real life & end up spending time in Jail or Prison for it. Please Furious, get an actual Therapist. You stalking & harassing people on a public forum that you disagree with isn’t it.

Thank you for showing the class your clear lack of knowledge, wisdom or understanding on the Topics in question, or anything I have written so far for that matter!

There are steps a Development Team can implement to remedy the common issues with Industry Standard Psuedo-RNG implementations such as Loot Seeding once they are identified.
That said many of those issues won’t show up regardless of how much internal or public testing takes place pre-release & will only be identifiable post-release after extensive user playtime.
The key here is in the Development Team being willing to admit the potential for an issue & then working to find a solution that preserves their intended gameplay loop.

Since you brought it up, are you familiar with the phrase “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit”?

I don’t understand the argument for Tempest Roar drops, yes its a unique rare item that is suppose to be very rare. Every Druid wants it yet at the same time I have seen ALOT of people running around with Tempest Roar. The actual number of people that have Tempest roar is probably and most likely in the thousands

Is that really that unique of am item at this point? The game is barely even a month old. I guarantee by the time 4 month hits almost every main druid player will be having one.

Don’t expect to get every single item in a month

Yep you didnt see it. Thanks for confirming it.
And from your answer you don’t even have the lowest form of wit. Just Zero wit.

Anecdotal reports of seeing “ALOT” of secondhand hats while technically relevant still don’t carry very much weight, thank you for your report nonetheless!

Now this is pure speculation without any publicly available data provided from the Development Team or gathered through verifiable means using the API.

Personally I hit the 160+ hour mark on my Druid today & am still looking for Tempest Roar.
d4armory .io/?account=EruEllimist-1162&hero=f38a3530-00d1-11ee-bf0f-790228f34fe1

I know of multiple other users who reported 200+ to 300+ hours on their characters without Tempest Roar dropping, included in my below linked Compendium on the Topic.

There are 6 items the Developers have stated are intended to be & advertised as effectively Unobtanium, the rest are intended & advertised to be rare, but they are also intended & advertised to be able to be dropped by users without ~too~ much “tension” (technical term).

Please, since you clearly won’t believe my report alone anyway - read the hundred plus reports from other users I have gathered in one place for those willing to take to time.

Also keep in mind that as I have stated previously, this is potentially indicative of a greater overall loot seeding issue impacting more than one class & item.

I have seen a large number of reports of this same type of Unique Item Exclusion from users who are able to drop Tempest Roar but not a specific (for them) other item.
These reports, though there are a large enough number of them to be relevant, are far less in number than the reports regarding the issue impacting users looking for Tempest Roar.

Maybe it just so happens that the Druids are the ones Roaring over it the loudest (:joy_cat:) because they are the Class of users most impacted by the issue as many of the more desirable Druid builds for many users are gatekept behind the Tempest Roar.

Complete RNG. I ended up with five on a single day, then none for three days in a row.

Which I did entirely for your benefit, but believe what you want about that. Otherwise why would I post that on purpose?

Besides, I think you need a reality check, you’ve managed to go off the deep end repeatedly towards people about Tempest Roar in general and your post history proves it. The amount of time and effort you’ve put into this speaks to its own level of mania.

I suggest aluminum speed tape for your tinfoil hat so it doesn’t slip from your head.

Careful, though, because that stuff is sharp.

random, sometimes i get 1 every 4-5 days sometimes i get 2-3 in a day. never good ones and none that i want though

Because there are hundreds of voices constantly being drowned out by sociopathic, gaslighting Shills & Trolls like yourself whose ONLY purposes on these forums (as evidenced by YOUR post history) are to:

  • Attempt to invalidate the complaints & concerns of others through bad faith arguments used primarily by Corporate Shills to cover up actual problems that would hurt their profit margin or potentially even result in a Class Action Lawsuit if admitted to & handled incorrectly.
  • Gather specific, targeted, echo-chamber style feedback regarding loaded questions you post.

Do you know if you focus only on leveling, it takes an avarage of 150hour to get to lvl100?
And Tempest Roar drops only to those that are lvl+60?
So how in the hell did you guys farmed hundreds and hundreds of hour for TR if your total playtime doesnt match it?
Did all of you rush to 60? did you not do the sidequest, exploration, Lilith statues and renown?
This all sounds like FAKE NEWS!!!

Others playing differently & more efficiently than you can believe or comprehend to be possible isn’t “FAKE NEWS” like you claimed, but thanks for proving yet again how much of an incompetent, illiterate, actual troll you truly are.

I cleared Renown fully for all regions on my Sorc.
I was level 60 on my Druid within the first 15 hours of playtime & have spent the bulk of the 160+ hours played on that character in WT4.

d4armory .io/?account=EruEllimist-1162&hero=f38a3530-00d1-11ee-bf0f-790228f34fe1

The only “FAKE NEWS” in these forums is you overpaid paramecium brained Shills running around claiming “There are no bugs in Ba Sing Se” while using bad faith arguments & the straw man fallacy to Fraudulently & Illegally attempt to suppress & dismiss the concerns & complaints of Legitimate Users.

That’s okay though - I am sure the FTC will appreciate all the evidence you Shills are generating for them!

Who said about bugs? Am i getting payed? Tell me more about this… why Im doing it for free if i can get payed.

Congratulations, you proved you have no life!! and you have SAD LIFE!!!

So using RNG in a game now is illegal? WOW

You know the more you try to prove argument, the worse it is?
and read again my first comment before calling others illiterate. You clearly tried to shown your superior knowledge, but you didn’t even got the point of my post and the others.

PS: I know you are a rude person, your parents problably didn’t teach you good manners. But you really consider yourself educated?

Don’t bother arguing with him. Hes got his head so far up his own you know what. This seems to be all he has to validate his sad existance. Move on :slight_smile:

Says yet another willfully ignorant, illiterate loser, troll & potential Shill whose entire existence is validated by gatekeeping a hat in a video game :clown_face: :joy_cat:

The reason why most stopped whining about getting tempest roar is because either they lost interest or moved to another class or wait for season 1 to start.

Myself have been into a new game Halls of Torment. Exciting indie game. Lost interest in my druid too.

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I just wanted to announce that I now have Waxing Gibbous LOL - These uniques are seriously falling from the sky

Here’s the thing If Diablo 4 sold let’s 6 million copies and I’m sure it’s more than that.

Even if .01 % of the player base has Tempest roar that makes it 60000 Tempest roars. Even if you make it .001% that comes down to 6000 tempest roars hence why it’s not so unique.

Now assuming that number is 12 million copies sold which I’m assuming is more realistic then even if the drop rate is .01% you are looking at 120,000 Tempest Roars.

Which Dev or API provided your values? It’s still speculation without actual data to verify it.
Also, there could be just as many players having issues dropping the helm as there are that got it & we would never know without actual values from the Dev Team or API since most players don’t come to the forums.

“I gOt 6 uNiQuE pEr DaY, sO eVeRyThInG iS oK.”

Really not sure if boasting, trolling or whats the point of this thrad.

Are you saying them having a conversation with you on a public forum is illegal? Should i follow every post of yours and actually troll you just so you can try and sue me? Just know i would 100% put the results on here so everyone could point and laugh.
With that being said Im not saying youre right or wrong. Just that 100 reports when their is millions of users isnt good evidence either. If youre actually trying to educate someone you would also explains the difference and how its applied for future reference. Running in circles repeating yourself just makes you look like the troll