I Give Up. On D4. And Blizzard

I remember when the news of Activision buying blizzard first appeared, there were posts in the world of Warcraft forums “predicting” the fall of WoW and blizzard. ALOT of people didn’t believe that and even called those users “doomsayers” and so (and I was defending both the game and the company)… and look where are we now, this is SO SAD…


Why are you on the forums? Why aren’t you playing your absolutely fabulous flawless of a game?
I just wish the best for you too.


Oh I know, my friend. I know. I am an 80s kid. So many awesome games played then, the 90s, and even 2000s. It’s shameful really, how far the great have fallen. Others too. But most of all, Blizzard. It’s so sad, and not in a pathetic kind of way - but in the truest meaning of the word. It makes me sad to see what was, and what now is. :frowning:


It was dinner time =) just came on forums for a few minutes, and will resume shortly

Not sure where you have seen me call the game flawless tho , you might want to stop exposing your ignorance to the forums :smiley:

I remember this. i was so stoked for that release. It turned out to be such a bitter disappointment.

Same, it’s beyond Diablo 4. I’m giving up on blizzard.

whenever I build a new PC, two launchers are always guaranteed to be downloaded, steam and blizzard. Not the case anymore


Indeed. I really didn’t create this to really rip on anyone. I have just come to this realization over the course of many years, and very likely just like you, have been hoping for better. There’s a point though that you get to when you realize that things are just not getting better, and you just have to move on, as painful as that might sometimes feel.


I went off on a rant in my post, won’t deny this, so I don’t blame you or anyone else for not reading my entire post lol. I’ll just say I completely agree with your original post and your response to my post to keep myself from going off the rails again.

The original DOTA fiasco that created the stipulation was also when I thought it was kind of a d… move, but I also understood it from an IP standpoint as well, I just felt they could’ve easily partnered and missed a huge opportunity.

I was skeptical of the Activision buyout, but I told myself to think critically, and not make any rash judgements. Thinking back, and watching the games come out after the acquisition should’ve just been a huge red flag, I mean we can literally see the breadcrumbs that led us here, our undying hope is what kept us going.


Incredibly well said. So sad, but so true.


Wish you the best, pal.
If I could recomend a game: give it a shot to Baldur’s gate 3. Don’t know if you are a person who likes pure RPGs, but this one is a master piece. Even for those that don’t like combat turns. I’m pretty sure it will be praised and remembered for a lot of years.

I just wanted to thank everyone who replied. It was nice to reminisce about the history many of us shared. I know we can never go back to how it was, but it was at least really nice being able to share this with you all, and see that I am not alone in how I feel. Thank you for this.


So Bats, You’re not playing BG3? :o What’s going on?

At least we got refunds for that junk. So sad they killed WC3 too.

To many shills loving this junk.


This I don’t understand at all. Why would you emotionally invest into a company or video game? You have to see how unhealthy that is right?

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I played in beta, open beta, sever slam, and I loved it. Since the release and the disaster of the biggest patch 1.1 I felt like they are milking out the players, regardless if the player base dropped like a rock or is flying like a kite. They could care less. They want to drag the game out longer, while admittedly that they did nerf the game too much, and it wasn’t going to happen again, yet it did, the last est 2 patches exactly implementing things people never asked for, such as monsters density. People asked for more XP, less density due to solo game play and less monsters CC. However, non of that was addressed, blizzard buffed things that didn’t matter at all, and called it a buff. In the mean while, there are some serious bugs that were never addressed either, such as hit boxes and damages scaling

How About we Swap the B on Blizzard with a J ?

Most of Activisions games are only enjoyable about that long anyway…

This I don’t understand at all. Why would you emotionally invest into a company or video game? You have to see how unhealthy that is right?

If you don’t understand it, why would you comment on it? You’re not expected to feel like others do, but you don’t need to try to invalidate it either.

Many people, including me, invested a lot in this company over the span of many, many years. And not just money. When you have done that, and spent many years being a part of it all, then see it nose diving, it hurts. Because you remember how it used to be.

But then, I wouldn’t expect anyone without that context or investment to understand. And, as you clearly state yourself, you don’t.


Oh yea why not, and even then, with Stormbane / lightning storm / drifting shade, you don’t even have time to afk pee :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yea why not, and even then, with Stormbane / lightning storm / drifting shade, you don’t even have time to afk pee :stuck_out_tongue:

Facts. :slight_smile: