How was D4's 1.0 Launch?

Dude, the connection issues were happening at least 6 months ago with only 2k players. The problems with connection have nothing to do with graphics.

People need to stop with the cope and excuses. Treat the Tencent game the same way you treat a Blizzard game or shut up because your bias is showing. :rofl:

Some minor rubberbanding but actually pretty smooth.

Once again:

Last Epoch is not a Tencent game.

Tencent invested double the initial investment. When 66% of your company is paid for by Tencent ITS A TENCENT GAME.

Where’s the source for this? As far as we know, they only ever invested the low-equity stake.

Tencent investors reports in conjunction with 11HG public documents and comments. Do some investigating.

Or if you’re lazy, think about this… the 11HG lead stated outright they wouldn’t have been able to complete the game without Tencent. On its face it shows that it’s a Tencent game or it wouldn’t exist.

Edit (added): also this is a derail so you don’t have to judge LE on its merits. You want to have this argument instead of discussing the fact that LE has been broken for at least 6 months.

Generally speaking, I just assume people who tell me to do my own investigating after suggesting what they say is fact are lying, because if this were actually true, it would be quite easy for you to pull and link.

I never said Tencent didn’t assist with the game’s development. Obviously they did or else EHG wouldn’t have sought investment in the first place. However, an investment doesn’t mean a game will suddenly not have issues nor does it mean it’s a Tencent game. That’s not how that works.

Did Tencent publish the game? Do they have creative control over the studio and the IP? If not, then it’s not a Tencent game.

Oh yes let me link you to a fax. LOL. Or you could literally do it yourself. You’re the one after all saying it’s not true based on literally nothing.

And again, talk about why an “indie” company would release a game with such connectivity issues that they know about when they say they have a “passion for quality” in the games they put out?

Why would they do that? Unless… they didn’t have a choice in the matter. Because their investor made them do it. Because their investor has a way to force 11HG to do stuff. Because their investor Tencent has control over the studio.

Very roundabout way of saying you don’t have the information and are blowing smoke, but alright.

I never said it was or wasn’t true. You claimed it was, and I asked you to provide a source. You didn’t do that and then proceeded to imply that it’s impossible for you to provide (which is a whole other can of worms. If it’s not as simple as providing a link, I’m not entirely certain how you expect me to search for it). I’m only saying it’s not true because, once pressed for the information, you suddenly had a plethora of convenient excuses for why you couldn’t give it to me.

And just so we’re clear, I actually have been looking while we’ve been discussing this entire time, and I’ve procured nothing of substance yet. So either this rather important information is deeply buried on Google or it doesn’t exist. OR, and this is a stretch, you have insider information not yet disclosed to the public.

Dude… you get investor reports through the mail and/or fax. You don’t get access to investor reports if you’re not an investor, baring someone leaking it. Buy some shares of stock yourself instead of through a fund or broker and you too can get these paper documents.

How are you so wrong about literally everything?

And again

Why did 11HG release the game in a state they knew was broken and would do irreparable harm to their reputation?



Stop with the cope. Judge the game on its own merits. It was released knowing it had connectivity issues for small numbers of players.

Some people were actually told, by the game, they did not possess a valid D4 license and could not login, on top of various connections errors ( I dont recall the various error numbers). There were also insurmountable queues.

Launch was NOT smooth. People saying launch was smooth either were not there or are hella lucky with login times.

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So how do you have access to these documents then? Are you also an investor in Tencent and, if so, does that mean you’re on record leaking this information? Because that kind of seems like a big deal.

And no, I’m not going to buy shares. There’s no need because it’s pretty obvious none of what you’re saying is true.

First and foremost, me saying something to people is not leaking the documents.

Then you say you won’t do what I did but say I’m lying. So you’re lazy and afraid I’m right.

And you still haven’t answered the basic question I’ve put to you repeatedly. Yet again, because you’re afraid I’m right.

It’s easy to talk but you’ve deliberately ignored everything. You can only feel right if you don’t answer.

By the very definition of leaking something, which is to report on information not yet disclosed to the public, you are very much leaking this information.

Yeah, it’s because I’m lazy, and definitely not because I’m not willing to shell out money just to prove myself right in an internet argument. That’s a lose-lose scenario no matter how you swing it.

FYI, Tencent posts their financial statements to the public. If what you’re saying is actually true, it would appear there, but I’ve yet to actually find information concerning that transaction in those financial statements, so you must have some DEEP access to this information.

huh? i honestly had a 3 minute queue once. the release was pretty smooth, except for some rubberbandings after the early access on seasonal quest areas.

i agree with some other people here, you might be confusing the launch with the stress tests, cause really, after having witnessed the d3 launch, i was super euphoric having seen then d4 launch lol.

what i remember is the console people having a little trouble for 2 hours or so, cause there was some license problem.


As for Tencents investment, one thing 11HG has said is that Tencents investment was less than 25% of the company.

Initial likely being a keyword there…

I’d rate the launch overall as quite smooth. But yeah, definitely not without issues.
Tbh, issues are to be expected. What matters more is how they are dealt with.
D4 might be the smoothest launch Blizzard have had for an online only video game.

It was good launch day if I remember right and Last Epoch launch day was disaster. I bought Last Epoch today and then refund after 36 mins. Diablo IV feels so much better when you play if you know what I mean. Cant wait for campfire 29th Feb.

Happy weekend! :blue_heart: :heart:

Probably because people wanted to play Last Epoch, and not a lot of people bought D4 first day, lmao.

D4 is for the instant gratification crowd, for sure.

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Majority of online games launch with issues when they are popular, it’s nothing new, in fact we’ve seen it for decades.