How-To [Fix both scaling and game functionality in 1 move]

I think this is the core problem. They don’t have a baseline.


Exactly that, that is why either other some builds need to get buffed or some nerfed bring everything on the same bar its ARPG there will never be perfect balance and there will always be some FOTM class or build but the if the difference is in 20-100% we can start seeing content being tuned better

This was a rough idea of a way to balance

Well right now the biggest mistake is they throw different rules on different classes some classes have Paragon nodes and passives capped at low numbers like 15-30% while others have them uncapped, either uncap it on all and make they values lower so they are more in check or cap it on everything to some point which is the worse option imo

I understand but Blizzard has decided to put D4 into the D3 category with easy, casual, power creep, game play where we do billions of damage and mobs drops millions of gold… with mobs that has trillions of health.

It’s a lost cause. D4 won’t be able to recover from this, it’s firmly heading into D3 territory from now on. Some will like this and other won’t. In the end we all vote with our wallets.

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I agree but the problem is, this:

[quoted my post from from another thread]

Will always be on life-support and borrowed-time (and will require literally miracles from time to time like it was with the Loot Reborn feature => to temporarily work)

Option 2 is supremely quality-unstable

You are either trolling or you are extremly dull you are arguing the point that Blizzard should use scale 1-100 instead of 1-10 000 or 1-1 000 000 000 when it comes to difficulity, you refuse to understand that ALL builds need to be around 50 on scale 1- 100 and then you can choose what kind of scale you use 1 - 100, 1 - 10 000 … etc BUILD have many gears that need to be tuned together FIRST, where the health/enemy dmg output/defense as in enemy difficulty can be change with ease anytime…
See what they did to TB and Pit in Mid patch why? cuz some ppl with the underperforming builds strugle, you are saying there is not hard content

But you also say Pit pushing is too hard cuz some builds scale into nonsense so its balanced for them, the truth is Pit is hard for every build cuz the mobs scale exponentially just the HARD part start at different levels for different builds some at 100, some at 120 and some at 150 and the fact that it isnt similar number for all is the issue

You are literally trying to support your own arguments with YOUR OWN comments from other post cuz nobody else agrees with you…

This is a pitch a person makes when they work for Blizzard. Don’t hold your breath on anyone there taking any of our math ideas.

As far as I’m concerned the HARD part should start even earlier (somewhere around 75) much like S1, but the problem back then was there was a way/build to make 16x performance ratio

Well, what was “problematic” at S1 now is “galactical” at S4/5

Now for your point of “build balance”

I find it hard to decypher how you want for every build to work at 50% as much as possible and yet refuse/deny the need to reduce the numbers to make it work :smiley:

Say for example 250% is the “delta” maximum performance differential between builds

With additive/component-based build performances means individual components can differ between 1x and 2.5x damage, they can be “spread out” with say 0.6*Threshold x4 (around as much = 60% of some predetermined threshold required to perform well at lvl100)

With multiplicative you end up in a spot where:

X^100 < 2.5 => Max(x) ~= 1.08

Meaning if you “fail” to calculate one damage component with a margain of more than 8% per level => you’ll end up violating the criteria of builds being within 2.5x margain of one another

The difference is literally as moving a sniper rifle for 8mm left or right and it ends up totally missing everything, it’s about the same with working with “per-level” multipliers

Simple math

No u get paid 50%(x) for overtime

Killing mobs wasnt hard at S1, survivng was cuz resistences didnt work so you literally got 1 hit thats why the 100 clear were on Armor stacked Barbs And immortal bear or things that could kite, the dmg could actually scaled higher on many classes cuz nodes were uncapped and Vuln dmg was multiplier.

Also I said builds need to be inline with margin of cca 20-100% cuz you never getting perfect balance in arpg and nobody even want perfect balance if IT means getting back to “instert Raxx 17 dmg meme”

tired of all these multipliers with the exception of crit, which is a classic feature of rpgs

overpower and vuln are just another way of crit,
“+x% dmg if requirements are meet”
they should just go away

anything else should just be converted to x-y base physical
bone spear

last, scale mob hp down way way lower than it currently is to compensate the obove

Well the difference between 20-100% is like between 1x and 5x, that is believed it or not galaxies if not entire space quadrants apart from what we have now :joy:

I’d be totally happy if that was the mark but it is totally missing lol

No-one even asks this but what is asked is difference in impact and performance… And that 17 damage is perfectly fine, Raxx was an idiot mainly cause never realized that skill was not about killing everything but rather rendering everything (the entire screen) vulnerable

Something that believed it or not would’ve been highly valuable (and functional) if there wasn’t a cheaper and more generic option, i.e. even with the Crit * Vuln multiplier thing => the game would’ve worked if Exploit didn’t exist tbh

The problem is - the team obviously did not have a vision (and even worse, abandoned ship at the very first sign of trouble)

Either way it’s crazy funny how you keep having these super high standards for balance (even for the most balanced phases of the game’s development) while refusing to realize (and admit) it’s never been worse at the same time

The game just simply needs some people that are good at math, coding, implementation, and then testing.
4 moves.

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