How much HP for 80+ Nightmare?

Just wondering how much hp everyone has with their Necro, and which spec.

I haven’t had any issue with Blood Lance spec, but when I switched to others I suffered frequent death, often got one-shoted. (Another reason why I hope they implement a combat log, or at least a death log, so I know what and how much damage it was.)

I have only played bone spear. But as far as I remember survival is more due to resistance (fairly easy to max) and getting that shield from Lilith.
After that the only problem is to keep the bone shield up and running, then you can’t be killed sort of… then HP is irrelevant.

15k is about where it’s starts feeling comfy. That being said, it’s not your HP you need to worry about but your effective HP, which is HP multiplied by total damage reduction. What matters is how much raw damage you can take before dying.

With capped Armor and resistances and fully defensive helmet, chest and pants your HP should be somewhere between 12-15k depending on how much you get hit. If in doubt just add more. With Shako and GF I have about 23k with a bone spear build, if I remember correctly.

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I suppose that’s my problem. All my equipment focus on damage stats and resistance, but have very little on hp. 11k hp, 75% armor, all damage reduction 15%, reduction from shadow DoT 20%, reduction while inured at 60% (looks awesome but too many times got one-shot at full health.)

I presume all of the above reductions are for monsters of same level, which doesn’t apply to nightmare monsters who’re always higher in lvl. I recently replaced Decrpify with Decompose because I constantly run out of essence and corpses (Sever + Empty Tomb build atm).

I remember I was already at 19K hp, 9.7k Armor at level 90 as Mutilator Blood Lance build. And I have already beaten NM100 although not consistent becoz I felt I was missing something.

On Season 2, it was my first time to reach level 100 and first time to beat NM100. What I learned from it was I have to have at least over 15k HP at 10K Armor for NM100. Not only that, I need to have Fortify… and Barrier. The more the better. That is already Tanky. Put Disobedience Aspect and it became more Tanky.

Now on Season 3, when I was level 90, I still felt it is not enough for NM100 becoz I was missing Barriers. That’s why I opened a thread on how Necro plays without Lidless Wall as Lidless Wall with decent Bonestorm roll has the easiest way to maintain Barrier thru Aspect of Shielding Storm. If you have infinite Bone storm, you would have infinite Barrier. At first, I felt my future was doomed becoz Lidless Wall is hard to get… You need to be lucky with Lord Zir drops. I went to use Temerity as my Barrier maker while I waited for Lord Zir to drop me a Lidless Wall. I made my hp as high as 19k hp so I would get a Barrier 80% of my Max Life. It is not the best setup but it’s better than nothing. I was more sturdy than my friend playing Bone Spear without Lidless Wall.

You said your 60% DR to injured didnt save you from being one-shot killed. You have to be injured first before that DR goes to work. ROFL. Nothing would save you. YOu really have to dodge poops, CC mobs so they cant throw poops, fortify, and barrier in addition to your health, armor and DR. If you are good at dodging and CC, you wont need more survival stats. But the game is fast paced, you would still be hit whether you like it or not.

ANyway, I got my Lidless Wall at level 100. It made me super tanky. If before, I am not allowed to get hit, now, it’s okay if I get hit as long as it is not that long. Now, I have NM100 on farm status… somewhat facerolling it.

With the upcoming Gauntlet, it’s just equivalent to a NM70 difficulty. My NM100 farm build would be super super tanky for it as I designed it for NM100s. I might not use Lidless Wall for it. I would open up 2 new offensive aspects for replacing the Lidless wall slot and shielding storm slot with something else. I might also lose the Bonestorm. I think I can melt all the mobs with just Blood Lances… Also, I still have 15/5 Corpse Explosions thru Black River… it might also be an overkill to have it.

That Lid has been sitting in my bank for a while, perhaps I should give it a try.

I switched my gears around last night, now I have 13k hp, 3% more armor RD, and near perfect resistance, I notice the change significantly.

Aim for 13500 Armor, which is easily achievable with one %-armor roll on gear and a good juggernaut.

this will be made even easier with the changes coming this week :slight_smile:

I only have 13k hp and I clear t100s pretty easily.

Do we have a way to find out if what killed us is physical or otherwise?

I am at ~20k HP ~8.7k Armor (but perfect disobedience 66%) with about 17k attack. With about 45% general DR and extra another 50% from close enemy (level 100) - on NM 100 - w/o Shielding storm I still get eaten rather quick with storm and full stack of disobedience … I barely taking any damage

my biggest DR setup, which I don’t run that often is:

20.5k hp
20.5k barrier with a downtime of 3 seconds every 9 seconds. (I am running 50%[x] dmg multiplier aka 15%[x] for my minions mostly)
18.3k armour
res capped

DR from gear:
46.6% Damage reduction from close (after diminishing returns)
17.4% damage reduction from distant (after diminishing returns)
25.4% damage reduction (after diminishing returns)

DR from aspects, skills and paragon.
15% DR from seneschal
15% DR from golem
15% DR from Scent of death
20% DR from Hardened Bone.

I used cookie-cutter built from maxroll for pure minion type
I got res capped
AR 10k - but its waste since armor capped at 9670
Life 36k… ish? (may be already 38 or so with masterworking)
I got 38DR from Hardening bones from amulet, 15DR from blood golem
I am moving up to the food chain slow :slight_smile: running at merely masterwork level 5.5 :slight_smile: with this setup Pit 51 (including boss) takes ~4 minutes to run